Question for Chris T. EQI for hamstrings


What is the best EQI stretch for tight hip flexors?

Thanks in advance for your time and knowledge.

Pull-over:elbows to 90 degrees or 170-180?

The best stretch for the hip flexors is the EQI 1-leg Squat. Stand facing away from a high box and put the top of your foot on the box. Squat down with the leg that is still on the floor until that thigh is parallel to the ground.


For Bodybuilder is correct EQI also for Arms,Abs,Delts,Calves?
What are exercises?

I can’t tell you which muscles or movements you need to use EQIs for. This will depend heavily on your goals as well as the rest of your training program; neither of which I am familiar with.

Concerning the exercises: as I say in the book, “Be creative!” EQIs are not being used by a large number of people yet. Because of this, not everything has been figured out. Experiment based on the guidelines I have given in the book and you will come up with some good stuff.

Thanx,thanx,thanx…having you a your site?

No, I do not have my own site right now. That may change in the future though. I will keep you updated.

Tony excuse me


I think Relative Intensity would be if you are lifting with a weight that is say your 5RM and you perform 5 reps, you have performed 100% relative intensity and Absolute intensity would be using percentages or using ur 1 rm would be 100% absolute intensity

I would prefer to keep this thread on the topic of EQIs.
If you have a question related to another topic then you can private message me or start a new thread if you think the topic will stimulate discussion from other forum members.

Thanx thanx

Is everyone doing this exercise without rounding the back? Do you get a burn in the lower back from this?

The low back should remain arched throughout the movement. Because of this, strength-endurance in the erectors can be a limiting factor at first. After a few weeks this should not be a problem.

Would you recommend starting out at a fixed time and building strength endurance before going to failure on the EQI romanian deadlift? mabe sets of 15 seconds then rest between sets, then slowly reduce the time between sets over time so that good form can eventually be retained for 60-180 seconds?

The problem is that your approach will not build strength endurance as quickly as just starting out with a longer time period. I would recommend that you begin with the longer time periods and use whatever weight will allow you to do so. Remember, any break down in technique is a signal to stop the exercise right then. If you can’t maintain your form for the required time period, then you are using too great a load.

thank you.

Wow those adductor stretched ISO holds I did last session have proved to work extremely well and fast! My legs and hips feel so much looser, and no more ache in my abductors when I stand in a sumo stance and lean to one side to stretch etc

I basicly sit on the floor, put the soles on both feet together and try pull the heels as close to my groin as possible, then put a dumbell on the inside of each knee and hold for a minute

Last session I did a 15lb dumbell for a minute at the start of the workout, and then a 30lb dumbell at the end of it where I do my usual postworkout cooldown and stretching

give if a shot if you have tight adductors and most people do

Other ones to try are the Bulgarian Splitsquat hold for a minute, does the same for tight hip flexors. Bodyweight is sufficient. And the Snatch grip stretched ISO hold RDL for the hammies, start just below the knee and lower to the floor as you loosen up and tire, I just use a 45lb oly bar.

I do these at every lower body session. They work really quickly too.