Well my friend termed it “a lot of overdistance work” which upon further questioning equated to a lot of intensive tempo work. Some typical stuff such as 6x400, 12x200, not as much of a focus on lifting, etc. I saw him a few days ago and said “hey when are you gonna teach me how to run 10.2”. His reply was “if I knew how to do it, I’d having everyone doing it”…quite an interesting comment I thought.
As an aside, not only did Alan Wells drop about a second in the 100m after he was 23 or 24 but he also eliminated nearly all weight lifting during that period. From my recollection of all the literature about him, he was originally like a 24’ long jumper who put a good deal of focus on speed and weights. He got away from most of the speed and weights and proceeded to go -.9 or so in the 100…how 'bout that?!