question about allan wells training

I can honestly say i know not much about JB or his methods.
From what i have seen, yes, he was a conditioning coach with a or few major football codes and proved well with his training.
Can his methods produce elite level performances? Well it has, as shown by Allan Wells, was Allan wells the one and only guy in the group to run fast? was HE head and shoulders above all else?? I dont know? Was he, AW a 10s runner and his team mates only 10.6? If so, did they put in as much as AW??
What was it about AW, was he like your mate who runs 10.6 sitting on his ass? If so, he still improved 0.6 using this programming.
Lets put AW on todays faster tracks, a few more yrs in him due to longer track careers and perhaps a 9.9 was in order surely?? Now we ask, how many Ever have broken 10sec? Then ask, surely if you can coach a 10flat or sub 10sec guy, then you can coach speed… surely?
Take the Jamaicans out of the picture…

Now we are left to, Can he coach speed (JB).
Were are left with, YES
Can others who use his principles coach speed, then we get YES and NO - same with all principles. some get it, some dont.

Is JB a god of sprinting? Thats deff a strange statement to make, whoever made it.???

Now - does JB think outside the box? Very big YES. (now only a few threads ago, you yourself said thats what is needed to be done to advance) Did he just Start off training this way or over time, like you say, adapt his methods to create a faster athlete? Did he have an indoor running track to run on in winter during crap weather? Sounds like to me, NO. So what to do??? Sounds to me like he produced a system based on HIS circumstances, weather, access to tracks etc etc.
Even today, my access to train people for speed is
Grass track MON and Fri
Car park hills other days
Gym - weights, boxing and steppers and treadmills.

Is it ideal? NO, buts all i got. Out off all the programs out there, JB’s might be one that for me, i should have a good look at as it might suit my conditions better??

Could i move to better conditions, YES. Perhaps there is better talent here though?

Since a lot of pro runners seem to use the JB methods as in this thread, lets have a look at the areas Pro running is mainly held, Tassie, melb and South aus. Esp in winter, pretty horrid conditions to train for speed esp if doing so After work hrs. Could be a really plausible reason as to why its so popular with the better runners from that way??
Its either that, or take up distance running.

Instead of bagging the crap out of JB or others who use his methods, one should congratulate him on devising a method of speed training even when conditions are not available to do traditional training methods. After all, back then, it did create an Oly medal, and you cant fluke that.

To me, it seems like this system was created to make athletes faster, and it worked.
Is it the best system? For who, where and when?
Why get the Jamaicans to do it when they full grass access in winter? Why get charlies group to do it when they have full indoor access?

Sevastocrator, lets be a bit more civil and stop attacking - i only recently came across this thread, and lost a lot of respect towards you with the attacking. There are better ways to ask than by attacking. Im sure your a top guy and would love to chew the fat with you over a drink… but i bet u live nowhere near… Im sure if you toned things down, and asked the right Q’s this could have been a better thread.
Looking forward to some better posts from you in the future, im sure u have lots of positive stuff to offer :slight_smile: (and p.s., i havnt givin u any bad rep)