purchasing EMS units

This past summer two highly ranked jr 18 year old tennis players from a US tennis academy came to work with Charlie. Unexpectedly one of them arrived with a foot injury so Charlie worked with the one who was healthy and had me work with the one who could’nt play tennis.
I used the mobiliztion 1 and 2, the warm-up for rehab and then used max strength for quads, glutes, hams and the back. She was not very lean on arrival but after one day on bike tempo and stim you could already see an excellent response. We used the stim for the better part of every other day for 10 days with bike and pool. Her body was transformed despite not doing any running or much tennis. ( she was able to hit a ball an hour or less every other day but no running or moving on court until the very end)
I have also been using the stim on one of Charlie’s clients for a knee injury to bring blood flow to the area and strenghen the quad and keep his hamstrings loose as well.
This is an excellent device with options to deal with all sorts of issues.
We love it.