Project 2400m

Spring have just started, and the sun is shining… I finaly started running out-doors for about two days. I started with some easy intervals on dusty 400m track. Intervals consisted of runnining 100+200+300+400+300+200+100 with pleasant pace and walking the same distance in between (rest is about 2-3x running time). I just wanted to feel fine and to develop aerobic capacity (and to be honest to lose some of my precious and hard gained body fat), but as a S&C coach, I couldnt run for running sake, so I started setting some goals for this small project/experiment.

Ok, my goal is to develop aerobic capacity and to loose some fat, and last but not the least, to enjoy running and great weather. But the most important aspect of this small experiment is to give me the „feel“ on running variables and on planning and programming aspects of running.

As a concrete goal, I choosed to improve my 2400m time which is mostly used as a test for aerobic capacity. So, tommorow or the day after, I am going to test my 2400m time on dusty 400m track. For the following 4-5 weeks I will try to improve this time, and to play with „running“ variables, to see how they affect me, to give me the „feel“ and the „experience“…

I plan running 3x /week (and 3x/w gym), using different methods and loads (speed, volume) for the goal of achieving better 2400m time. I dont have any real plan nor programm of progression yet, but I will try to use concurent periodization of planning, or to say I will use different intensities of running in one week. I will post my plan and programm as soon as I test my 2400m time.

Ok, the purpose of this project is to monitor the following variables without HR monitors, bLA analizators or any other modern gadget:

  • HR at rest in the morning or even after the training interval
  • Volume of different intensity zones (as % of 2400m pace)
  • Overall volume of running
  • Various variables (work/rest, etc)
  • If I arrange body composition measurement (antropometry) I will include this too

This is all for now, until I test myself for 2400m time… Any help, tip or idea would be highly appreciated! Thanks

Test day. It was calm, and warm with little wind. I run at 15h:30min afternoon. Ok, now the bad thing… the resuls.

2400m = 12’03’’ (723 secs)

Lap1 = 1’49’’
Lap2 = 2’01’’
Lap3 = 2’05’’
Lap4 = 2’02’’
Lap5 = 2’06’’
Lap6 = 1’58’’

Average Lap = 2’00’’

Race pace = 3.31 m/sec; 5.02 min/km; 199.17 m/min

Predicted times (accroding to pponline calculator)
1.5km = 7’17’’
5km = 26’25’’
10km = 55’28

:frowning: :frowning: Poor results… But, I will seek to improve them during this project…

My plan and program will be soon posted…

What were you doing prior to this? Are you essentially starting from a zero aerobic base?

Pretty yes… tnx for asking! :slight_smile:

Only the gym work, little walking (mostly using bus etc)… I just started running and was thinking to measure my “fitness” and try to imporve it…
What would you recomend as a plan? I will pursuit concurent use of LSD (long slow distance ) of about 3200m, intervals (3x800-1200) and tempos! I believe I will have time today to post my plan… anyway tnx for responding

I wonder if a program with a focus on tempo runs is the way to go? :confused: you could do shorter ones like


  • = 30 sec rest

all with 60 sec rest

although there isn’t any pure speed work in there it may be more suitable given your current ‘fitness’ level and the distance you want to test over…would be interested to hear from others though.

Tnx John! I already introduced tempo in my routines… I will post my plan in matter of minutes…

Thu, 30. 3. 2006.

Training plan for 4 weeks.

I will use conjugate/concurent method of periodisation, thus doing tempos, intervals and continuous methods in one microcycle and vary the distance, intensity, reps and rest intervals.
I plan achieving 10% increase in 2400 pace over this period, allowing me to complete 2400 test in 10’57’’ or even better…

Tue: tempo
Thu: interval type
Sat: continuous run

Week #1


  • represents rest (walking) 1’15’’
    ++ represents rest (walking) 3’00’’
    Distance covered = 2400m
    100m should be covered for 18 sec (167% of 2400m pace)
    200m should be covered for 38 sec (158% of 2400m pace)

3x800m @120% 2400m pace
800 should be covered in 3’20’’
400 split time 1’40’’
5 min recovery
Distance covered 2400m

3200m @ 80%
Should be covered in 20’07’’
400m split time 2’30’’

Week #1 distance 8000m

Week #2


  • represents rest (walking) 1’00’’
    ++ represents rest (walking) 3’15’’
    Distance covered = 2400m
    100m should be covered for 18 sec (167% of 2400m pace)
    200m should be covered for 38 sec (158% of 2400m pace)

3x1000m @120% 2400m pace
Should be covered in 4’10’’
400 split time 1’40’’
5 min recovery
Distance covered 3000m


3200m @ 85%
Should be covered in 18’54’’
400m split time 2’21’’

Week #2 distance 8600m

Week #3


  • represents rest (walking) 1’00’’
    ++ represents rest (walking) 3’00’’
    Distance covered = 2400m
    100m should be covered for 18 sec (167% of 2400m pace)
    200m should be covered for 38 sec (158% of 2400m pace)

3x1200m @120% 2400m pace
Should be covered in 5’02’’
400 split time 1’40’’
5 min recovery
Distance covered 3600m

3200m @ 90%
Should be covered in 17’51’’
400m split time 2’13’’

Week #3 distance 9200m

Week #4


  • represents rest (walking) 45’’
    ++ represents rest (walking) 3’15’’
    Distance covered = 1800m
    100m should be covered for 18 sec (167% of 2400m pace)
    200m should be covered for 38 sec (158% of 2400m pace)

2x1400m @120% 2400m pace
Should be covered in 5’51’’
400 split time 1’40’’
5 min recovery
Distance covered 2800m

2800m @ 95%
Should be covered in 14’48’’
400m split time 2’06’’
!!! Or 2400 test

Week #4 distance 7400m

Basically, I played with rest duration in tempo workouts (Tues) keeping the distance and running intensity the same. In interval workouts (Thus) I increased running distance while keeping running intensity and rest intervals the same. In continuous runs (Sats) I increased running intesity while keeping the distance same. Week distance is incresed because increase in interval workout distances. In last week I reduced running distance in all workouts to allow for rest and supercompensation. In Sat in week #4, instead of continuous run, 2400m test can be done.

I will try this program next week! I will let you know how in went! In mean time I will measure my mourning pulse etc…

I’ll be interested to see how it goes.

4. April 2006. (Tue)

The project starts!
I just finished tempo run from week #1. Rest between reps was 1’15’’ and rest between sets 3’00’’. I walked during this periods.
The day was wet and the grass was also wet, but I managed to run. Maybe the overall volume was too big for the start (2400m), but I managed to finish tempo same way started. It lasted for about 35 mins.
The rests were choosed optimally, because I believe that if I choosed shorter ones and stick with this volume, I would have troubles finish it with relaxation, ete etc…

I measured morning HR last couple of days and it was 55-60bpm. We will see how it will progress in due course

I’ll keep an eye on this - good luck with this.

Have you taken any starting measurements (bf%, RHR etc.) apart from times?

I know it’s not you aim but just for ‘pig iron’?

Very nice Quote - especially for a S&C coach

Thanks for your support no23 and John! I really appreciate it, and also this is another motive for me to keep going…

I have measured RHR (rest heart rate) for 3 days, and it is about 55-60 bpm… I didnt tryed other measures, except body weight (freakin 98 kg)…
I will ask one of my teacher to measure my %bfat, RMR (rest metabolic rate) and other usefull data like in-cell and out-of-cell water contents etc with electro-impedance, but I dont know if he will agree…
For now, I am performance oriented :slight_smile:

5. April 2006.
Rhr 57 bpm

6. April 2006. (Thu)
Rhr 57 bpm

:mad: :mad:
It was a cold and wet day. I felt pretty tired with “heavy legs” (mostly because I squated yesterday 180kg for 2 reps) before going to run at 17h.
I felt tired, not willing to run, so I forced myself to start easily with great warmup etc. But unfortunally, the soccer match was going on so I couldnt do 3x800 runs at track….
As CF stated: this is planet Earth, like it or leave it! Second training, and I had to change my program – I had to improvise; this is a great experience!

I decide to do some tempo runs (again) on second field, which is little shorter (90m, or I am fooling myself).

I did 4x(100+100+100++), where + represents 45’’ and ++ represents 1’30’’ rest (walking). On my own surprise, I run like hell, pretty easy and relaxed for about 17’’ on all runs. WHAT DOES THIS MEANS? I drastically reduced rest intervals, but I felt really good… :confused: How come I had little trouble doing tempo from Tue, and not this one? Is this because larger volume, or because 200m intervals? Confused… :confused:

Should I reduce rests for tempo next week, or should I keep it the same (planned)? This is really interesting situation for me, and I am very glad this happened, because this is REAL life, and not some program written on paper…

Any suggestions?

8. April 2006 (Sat)
RHR 64bpm (drinking abscent last night )

Again I went to run those 3x800 (which I supposed to run in thu) and again the match was playing so I was unable to use track… God Damn!

Anyway, my morning puls was high due lastnight “party with abscent” and I felp like s***, also I had to get up at 5am to pick some package at the bus station, and again went to sleep.

I did warm-up, didn’t wanted to do tempo again, so I tried couple of sprints… Felt strange and slow, also I felt an easy shin splints, so I picked my stuff and went home!

I will try to stick to programm more next week…

If you compare the above (1200m)with Tuesday (2400) there is a big difference in volume and no 200m runs.
Perhaps the impact of the squats wasn’t as much as you thought and it may have been more of a CNS spike than a muscular one? What was the % or 1RM?
What was the total lifting volume the day before?

I know what you mean re other people affecting where you want to train. Maybe you need a Plan B that you can go to :slight_smile: