Program Critiques

Sorry David, what do you mean by “Clean pulls at +10% working weight”


Weight selected would be determined by sets, reps, tempo, etc…
The scenario you provided would be fine. The drop-off would be allowable.
There is no “other day” in this system. In five days time you do the next workout.

Would it be possible to critique some other Waterbury programmes? His more recent ones. The Strength Focused Mesocycle, Total-Body Training, Waterbury Method, Triple-Total Training, any thoughts on any of these programmes if you have seen them? I am thinking of trying one of his programmes and want to know what you guys think. I am wanting both mass and strength increases, with strength the big priority (fairly weak).

I am either considering doing the WS4SB programme from DeFranco, Waterbury programmes, or something else if I can find it. I am doing this for sport and have pretty low numbers (Bp-Around 90, Squat 100, DL 120 or so). First time post so apologize if this is a bad place to post this.

I would like to crtique some of the mentioned programs as well by Waterbury.
I like the Hybrid Hypertrophy. Ill will post some of it on here later unless someone wants to beat me to it.

I have a mate who has just finished The Waterbury Method, below is from his log
This is the last week of the Waterbury method and it has been excellent, I’d certainly recommend it to anyone who is thinking of trying it. According to the list that gets bandied around the t-mag forum, I’m supposd to do total body training but might do SOB training by him instead.

Re WS4SB, I used it with some slight modifications for about 5 months and liked it. I did speed work immediately before the Upper days and found that worked well but felt that my legs weren’t getting enough strength work with just 1 day pw.

I am currently using the elite version of Kenn’s Tier system and am liking it better. If you want I will post more details about that.

John - I’ve just started the off-season football workouts that Kenn has posted in his log at elite to see how the tier system works. I’d be interested to see how you have your program set up.

Could you post a link to his logs because I have not been able to find them on there.

Well if you were following my log daily like you are supposed to you would already know that :stuck_out_tongue: LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!
I’ll put together a long post in next day or so.

Davan, I just checked and it looks like it is no longer there :frowning:

Thanks John (Ah . . . yes. Start reading everyone’s workout log. I’ll add that to my list, and get to it as soon as I finish reading the small mountain of texts and papers that I have accumulated over the last couple of years :stuck_out_tongue: ) . Last week of classes - got lots of papers coming up. I’ll check the log this weekend when I get a chance. Don’t bother writing a long post simply on my account :cool:

I’m not David W,but reading with extreme interest through his posts in the past I think he might mean that pulls are at weight working at in the clean +10%…

It would be great to see David W posting more often once more here,wouldn’t it?

And he might well dissipate any doubt regarding your interpretation of his own words and programs and mine too!

Not everyone’s just mine :D…nah just having you on and most of it is cut and paste from there anyway so not much effort at all. So is it the last week of classes forever?

The Tier article is here and for those that aren’t familiar with it it gives you a pretty good understanding.

The elite version which is WS influenced is similar to the traditional template in that you still do total, lower and upper each workout but you work on different emphasis. The volumes are slightly different too,
Tier 1 = Foundation 6-10 sets (22 minutes)
Tier 2 = Speed 5-8 sets (12 minutes)
Tier 3 = Volume = 3-4 (10 minutes)
Tier 4 = Mobility = 2 sets (8 minutes)
Tier 5 = Mobility = 2 sets (8 minutes)

a weekly schedule (with my current exercises as examples) would go

Session T
1 T - effort - hang power clean
2 L - speed - box squat
3 U - volume - incline db press
4 T - mobility - drop snatch
5 L - mobility - walking lunges

Session L
1 L - effort - front squat
2 U - speed - clap push ups
3 T - volume - clean grip pulls
4 L - mobility - step up
5 U - mobility - bent press

Session U
1 U - effort - wide grip bench
2 T - speed - flip snatches
3 L - volume - SB reverse hyper
4 U - mobility - cuban press
5 T - mobility - turkish get up

ab circuit before each session.

Personally I do speed work 2x pw and have changed the schedule to

speed & session T


Session L


speed & Session U


Will do this for 3 weeks then have a recovery week where I will cut volume and intensity.

I just cannot handle 5 days straight as well as work and family commitments but then I am an old outta shape sod who may be the worlds fattest wannabe sprinter :stuck_out_tongue:

Any more programme critiques anyone?

Am planning to rotate Waterbury Method, WS4SB and Strength focused mesocycle into a 12 week cycle. Opinions? Good idea or not? Mainly wanting strength but would like to add maybe 5 to 10 pounds mass. Hypertrophy not the priority.