I was doing some speed work the other night, fling 30’s, 40’s and 60m. My time for the 30’s 3.2, 40’s 4.2, that was using a 10m fly. On the 60m I did my start from a 3 point. and ran 7.1 and 7.3. Given the times for my 30 and 40 I should have run much faster. I feel my first 2-3 steps plus my start are at fault here. I don’t feel like my start is quick enough, or that I’m puting enough power in the next 2-3 steps after the start. I really need some help here. If I get the start down I should be able to quailfy for nationals.
I’m pretty basic as far as the type of lifts I’m doing.
I’m 5’8
173 lb
bench 295
sqaut 375 full
I do a lot of hamstring work like curls and straight leg dead lifts.
Well, in view of your squat relative to your weight, your strength is pretty good as you are in excess of a double bodyweight squat.
Given the times of your 30 and 40, even though they were from the fly, don’t be so sure that your start is the problem. There is much more room for making up time as the distance gets greater, in contrast to the much smaller room for improvement off of the line.
What kind of other short sprint times are you running out of the blocks or from a three point?
Well it still early in my training for me so I have done any block work as of yet. I will start on that next week. So are you saying that my fling 30 and 40 are in line with my 60m time from a 3 point?
I am not so much drawing a correlation between the sprints from the fly and your sprints from the three point; what I am inferring, however, is that your start and acceleration may not be as deficient as you think.
You stated that you have not been performing any block work. If you have also not been performing any work for your starts/accels, and your start/accel is infact a little behind the curve, than the implementation of block work/starts and accels is probably going to take care of any lagging abilities in those areas.
As I stated, your strength is solid, therefore I am confident that once you implement work from the blocks/starts/and accels that you will see an increase in those abilities.
Additionally, your conditioning may be a factor, as it appears you ran your 60m after the 30s and 40s. So this is also something to consider.
you should also accnt for the fact that flying starts will be faster then 3point starts. To me a 7.1 3point is compratbile to 4.2 40m flying start. We do everything from a 3/falling start position so everything can be charted and watch consistnetly