Presentation Ben Johnson in Belgrade 2017


When He popped out at 4:11 & 5:11 I was like WHOA… Comeback to Masters???

You don’t loose some of the explosive power that you likely had long before it was fully developed. When I met Charlie in 1988 he was still doing very well out of the starting blocks with Ben and Desai and Mark. Even 10 years later when he was working with various professional athletes his explosive power was better than anyones.

Lots of people like to believe it’s all about the performance enhancing but they know so very little it’s comical. In fact it’s best that people think that is was all about the pharma. Darwin’s law in place. Perfect.

What a bad dude.

Who is a bad dude? Or do you mean Ben is a bad ass as in aka so cool?

I spoke to him last night on the phone and he makes me laugh every-time I speak with him. He is a real survivor that is for sure and he has lots of information locked up inside his experiences.

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I’m assuming a bad ass dude. I can’t imagine how it would feel like for an athlete who was number one and then had to go through the whole process he did. If Ben even came out openly with his insider information the athletics world would probably go crazy, then again I’m assuming most “insiders” like Ben Johnson know what’s going on and it would be a pretty stupid move for anyone known to the general public to do this.

I just want some of his training tips. I read an article he wrote where he said, the day before a race he didnt talk because it was a waste of energy.

Meaning he is a bad ass.

Check out these stretches from Ben at the same presentation. You’d be nice and loose and ready to go after this.

Too aggressive…

Agreed, I saw that video yesterday and was like wtf. Id leave the stretching to the pro’s
I have a guy who does nothing but stretches, Has a table with belts to tie you down, but non of his shit is every that aggressive.

That wasn’t my reaction. Ben is strong and heavy and IMO is more likely to do damage with that routine than anything else.