Pre-Competition Workout

I weigh 220-225, 6’2", Best lifts of Bench-265, Squat-410, Deadlift-410, Clean-210, Best runs: 11.9-100m, 26.9-200m, Best throws: forgot distances but I throw Discus and Javelin

My first meet is around late April I think

My first practice is March 21st

For the next 2 weeks up until my first practice I am going to train like this:


  1. Bench Press: 3 x 10 @ 65%, 70%, 75% of 1RM
  2. Bent-Over Row or Weighted Dips: 3x4-6
  3. Bent over rear delt fly’s or Upright row: 3x4-6

Explosive Jump Rope Work: Jump as high as possible and see how many rope flips I can get. (3 sets of 3-6 reps)


  1. ATG Squat or Snatch-grip Deadlift: 3-5RM
    Rack Pulls: 1RM
  2. Power Clean: 1RM
  3. Step-ups or Single leg Squats w/ back leg elevated or Barbell reverse Lunge : 3x4-6 reps each leg
  4. Seated Good-mornings or RDL or Reverse Hyper or GHR: 3x4-6
    Abs :
  5. Weighted Abs 3x10

Conditioning Jump rope work: 75% of max effort for 10-12 sets of 1 minute reps with 30 second R.I.


  1. Bench Press: 3 x 10 @ 65%, 70%, 75% of 1RM
  2. Elbows-out extensions or JM Presses or Floor Press: 3x6-8 (55,75,85)
  3. Chin-ups or Pull-ups: 3x4-6
  4. Shrugs or Bradford Press or Military Press or DB Lateral raise: 3x6-8

Saturday: 40 yard dashes (until 10% drop-off)

When Practice starts I am going to lift after practice like this:

Monday: ME UB

  1. Bench Press or Floor Press: Work up to 3-5RM
  2. Bent-Over Row or Weighted Dips: 2x4-6
  3. Bent over rear delt fly’s or Upright row: 2x4-6

Wednesday: ME LB

  1. ATG Squat or Snatch-grip Deadlift: 3-5RM Rack Pulls: 1RM
  2. Step-ups or Single leg Squats w/ back leg elevated or Barbell reverse Lunge : 2x4-6 reps each leg
  3. Seated Good-mornings or RDL or Reverse Hyper or GHR: 2x4-6

Friday: DE UB

  1. Bench Press or Floor Press: 6x3 reps 45%-75%
  2. Elbows-out extensions or JM Presses or SkullCrushers or Floor Press: 2x3-5
  3. Chin-ups or Pull-ups: 2x4-6
  4. Shrugs or Bradford Press or Military Press or DB Lateral raise: 2x6-8

What are the thoughts? (I am open to lots of criticism)

I have a copy of CFTS and have skimmed it a few times over but I don’t know how to apply it to my lifting because there is no exact templates or rep number for the different phases.