Powerdrive AFTER training

I remember reading on a previous thread that someone advocated powerdrive AFTER training to increase CNS recovery. Is this effective? Would you also advise taking it on rest days?

john berardi doesnt use PD before, but he uses it during and after for CNS recovery. not sure if he uses it on his days off or not.

i think chris T does, ive read that he will use up to 6 serviings (3 double scoops) per day and it helps him handle the strain of school, life and training.

I would stick to 1 serving per day, preferable before workouts, but I may try it after.

One could also try SNAC’s Vitalyze (pre/post) as well.

The Tyrosine aids in CNS awareness/ recovery by preventing the uptake of Tryptophan at the blood brain barrier. This subject was discussed in early threads (cant remember the topic) and Charlie mentioned the use of this at the Asheville Seminar.

Originally posted by dlive11
The Tyrosine aids in CNS awareness/ recovery by preventing the uptake of Tryptophan at the blood brain barrier. This subject was discussed in early threads (cant remember the topic) and Charlie mentioned the use of this at the Asheville Seminar.

However tryptophan is a precursor to seretonin, which is required for nervous system recovery/development. As tryptophan is not common in diet (i can only think of four foods which contain it), it has to be synthesized by the body. For this it uses Tyrosine. This is one of the reasons tyrosine is so important to the nervous system. Just because it increases alertness doesn’t mean it’s appropriate all the time. I’d be careful how many servings i took a day too. Amino imbalances can lead to rather nasty problems.

insomnia :o

If you’re lucky.

I agree with you about not wanting amino acid imbalances. I save this supplement for special days, meets, etc. Not for everyday use.

i agree with dazed and dlive11, too much of a good thing could be a bad thing. and i to save it for games and big training days.

for me its more of a performance aid than a training aid…and in canada its $50 per 30 servings so i try to stretch out a tin as long as i can.


isnt it time to go do your paper route? :cool:

sometimes the info you drop on us amazes me, keep up the good work kid!

I haven’t experienced insomnia nor depression, anxiety not Parkinsons (maybe a bit early). I take an L-Tyrosine tab if I am eating carbs at lunch. It helps keep my mind clearer, makes me feel more positive and I feel it helps me get a good nights sleep.

Caffeine is what kills my sleep should I drink it from 1:30PM onwards.

Sorry to disrupt, but what foods contain Triptophan?

Sorry to disrupt, but what foods contain Triptophan [sic]?

Turkey is one, and warm milk.

Thanks flash

Turkey, milk, peanuts.

I’m kind of interested in trying this Powerdrive stuff. The only reason I’m not, is due to the small chance of contamination. What are your experiences about especially Biotest’s Powerdrive? I heard they also make pro-hormones. So is there a contamination risk … can they – would they – will they… mix different formulas in the same chambers?

ive spoke to bio-test regarding this issue a few months back and they made it clear that their pro-hormones are made in a seperate processing facility (i later thought THEIR prohormones, what about other peoples?). i have a contact that can find out the answers to any other specific processing questions you may have, so post your questions here and i will forward them and post their response.

nightmare4d … thank’s for the info :slight_smile: , so I guess it’s safe to use the product then!

Best to rely on cos that don’t make or sell pro-hormones, and test their products to ensure they’re ok for top athletes- like SNAC

Does anyone have any research on this? I have found that when I take stimulants after training at night, that my CNS recovers faster allowing me to produce higher-quality training sessions. When I took ephedra, caffeine and carnitine in the summer after training sessions I had great effects.

Anyone else have experiences such as this?