I squat almost 2.5x body weight, and deadlift more than 2x, bench like 1.6x body weight (I weigh 146) but only power clean 160-165 for a 1 rep max.
Any tips to improve? How much speed potential is this costing me?
I squat almost 2.5x body weight, and deadlift more than 2x, bench like 1.6x body weight (I weigh 146) but only power clean 160-165 for a 1 rep max.
Any tips to improve? How much speed potential is this costing me?
I don’t think It can cost you anything, except If your technique is flawless and that your exposure to that lift Is already pretty appropriate. In that case, MAYBE your RFD is what holding you back, and that would also affect your speed.
The technique you use and the balance would also give us some informations:
from hang, from the floor etc…
Good article here
Im lifting from the floor, im just getting the feeling that my RFD may be low.
I can jump squat 155x5 if that helps…
That’s even worse If your performance Is from the floor ( you have a higher ROM to develop peak power )
Jump squat really can’t tell me a damn thing.
To test strength deficit I suggest:
test VJ from the floor
then depth jump 6"
then depth jump 12" etc, see how much you can go higher by using elastic energy
Strength deficit: It’s not something discussed that frequently here since the vast majority(100% of high levels sprinters at least) of sprinters are speed dominant (they have no problem deliver optimal force in the ground). Strength dominant athlete (maybe you If you lack RFD) means that you have nice max potential, but lack time to exploit force in lift such as Power Cleans, even more in sprint where you have very short time to apply force to the ground.
Are you already doing some sprint, plyo, Med.Ball etc? If you are not that advanced in sprint, you may benefits of higher volume of Med.Ball and low impact plyo since the speed stimulus in the sprint Itself would be lower since your speed…is lower.
I must add that, every problem here might be only technical problems in the lift Itself.
BINGO! Im sure its all tech, also how deep are those squats?
I did a little bit of med ball/plate throws during the fall, and did a good amount of plyos on grass. Im doing a little bit of plyos too now during indoor training.
BTW, how effective is jump roping?
Im not sure how technical it could be…certainly my form isnt veryy good, but I dont think its bad enough to be majorily costing me. Other people are telling me that with a squat like mine, I should be cleaning around 200 or whatever.
Would power shrugs…clean pulls…high clean pulls…hang cleans, all help improve my power clean to a point where its helping me on the track and letting me shave a couple tenths off at least.
How much volume of med ball throws, plyos should be done per session/week?
They’re at parallel, for sure.
Before I’d ever comment on these things, I’d want to see videos of you doing them. Otherwise, technique may really change our opinions of what your problem or lack-there-of really is. Video them and put them on you tube. That is the best way to really generate good responses from smart people on this board.
What he said!!!
We can discuss training possibilities for decades and not even reach the precision of one simple video analysis. Please have a sagittal(side) + frontal video of your technique at full weight for us to see what may be wrong.
Possible worst technical flaws would be suboptimal hips extension and bar too far from the body, they are related. When you past the knee, EXPLODE!!! (second pull)
BTW- Jumping rope is a nice “feet” exercice that would be rated as a very low intensity SSC. The goal would be energy efficiency and move with as much less muscle energy as possible. In PC, hips extension is way more important than feet so you must already know my answer…