Powell doesnt squat?

All 30m splits are aided by the newer track surfaces and many have equalled or exceeded Ben’s 3.80 first 30m but only Powell had maintained that edge through to 80m (Rieti 9.74- showing that Powell was backing off from 80 to 100 even there!).

When did you meet S Francis KK?

Telephoned him last week


Yes. Why? He was more than happy to have a chat even though we had never met. He seems like a really nice guy and happy to talk about coaching things especially such things as the coaching environment in Jamaica. I got his number through a guy at the Australian athletics federation who is looking after Franno’s squad (and Wariner) while they are in Melbourne. I knew the right guy from years ago and got lucky.

That’s more than lucky! :slight_smile:

I thought Asafa did deadlifts as a part of his lifting routine, or is that another misconception.

I dont see a problem with doing with one leged or two leged exercise, i think they both have a place in a program.

Yes, he does deadlifts - single-legged (may also do double but I didn’t ask).

The point of this thread is that there is more than one way to skin a cat, but at the same time, pros cant be used as examples, they are top of the line genes, we’re not simply, therefore we should continue to squat regardless of whatever the best in the world does. The second best does full squats and not parallel, more so proving these points.

He does step-ups and split squats. i don’t call them single leg actions and they generate lots of power.

Thank you!!!