I found this web site as recomended by Stuart McGill in his book Ultimate back fitness and Performance. This site is Jerzy Gregorek’s.
The video link posted below is a posture analysis. Unfortunally, I didnt manage to see it yet, because slow contection here in the student campus. God dam’n :mad:
Somacoach did you read the article at NASM (the link I posted)?
Basicaly, if the knees start to go inside, this maybe bacuse improper activation of glutes (medius; abductors) or their weakness, also it can be a thighness of adductors or inflexibility of ankle…
If the hands start going in front of head, this maybe be cause shortness of pecs, infelxibility of thoracis spine or weakness of shoulder extensors…
If the lumbar spine goes to flexion, this maybe due shortness of hams etc
etc etc
Anyway, no one said that you should have “perfect form and depth”! Thiis exercises is great and fast tool to see “overall functioning of kinetic chains”. Altought external load (weight) can compenstate for “active insuficiency” of some joints, and example of this is that I, as an example, can go really deep with perfect form (and wider stance) with external load (snatch), but CANT without it!!!
But if you are an olympic lifter and you can’t do this then i suspect you won’t be able to lift optimally! For the rest of us it is quite a nice indicator of problem areas…
I’ve come to use a squat test with my clients and athletes. However, regarding the article, there are two things I see different. 1) I would use a basic squat as oppose to the overhead squat. I found the overhead squat challenging for me when I was using the OL as apart of my training. I could squat right to the ground without thinking about it (good form and all). An overhead squat, on the otherhand, would be a little more challenging, moreso because of the skill level required to do it correctly. So I feel a basic squat can provide all the necessary info you need. 2) I always cue them as they are performing the squat so I can assess if they are able put themselves in the desired position and from there I assess the difficulty they had in doing so.
Thanks for the tips! How do you asses shoulder mobility when you “kicked out” snatch squat? I believe all my question will be answered when I get my hand on Shirley Sahrmann book
To be honest, I don’t really have any dynamic tests for assessing shoulder mobility. I since I rarely use the snatch never really seen the need for a dynamic shoulder test :rolleyes: . I’ve used isolated tests for the shoulder because lack of shoulder mobility can be mistaken for scapulae dysfunction. One thing about the snatch as a test is that the client may not get low enough to determine ankle function due to the enability to manage the bar, towel etc overhead. I didn’t mean to dump on the use of the snatch I just felt it carries a level of skill that may make to difficult to be a test :o
Tests that I may use are the squat, lunge, single leg squat, and slow walking A’s encouraging the athlete to get up on the toes(keeping majority of the weight on the big toe as they step over).
I use the Klatt Test (unsure of spelling) as a dynamic strength assessment test.
Other postural tests that give us a picture of which muscle is tight or which joint has more range of motion can be misleading.
The body is a tensegrative structure that is built for mobility/locomotion. By addressing tight muscles or joint restrictions, without careful consideration as to the reason they are tight or the impact that loosening them may have, can only serve to exacerbate problems or to push them else where.
Shirley Sahrmann seams to be on to something, I would question the principles behind a physiotherapy model, it still tends to have a segmental approach to unitary problems, still this looks to be heading towards a more unitary view.
I tottaly agree that “the system is more than the sum of its components”! Human body should be assessed as a WHOLE and not in isolated parts. I didnt read the book so I could not comment…
Somacoach, can you explain that Klatt test? I first hear about it! Some links, pics etc… Thanks
The body is a tensegrative structure that is built for mobility/locomotion. By addressing tight muscles or joint restrictions, without careful consideration as to the reason they are tight or the impact that loosening them may have, can only serve to exacerbate problems or to push them else where.QUOTE]
Very good and true point. That said, there is no one test nor one form of treatment that can exactly answer/treat all the problems. One must be sensitive to all factors that contribute to stability and mobility. :o I had an athlete who was “cronically tight” in around the hips/pelvis. After some ART the treatment session ended with an adjustment to the S.I joint…well lets just say that we are still recovering from what is now a instable SI joint.
I mailed a mete about the “Klat” test, when he gets back to me I’ll drop it on the thread.
My point is that if we view the body as a tensegrative structure then the tendons are the guy wires, the muscles are the tension adjusters, the bones are seperators.
An unstable SI joint is usually married to a rigid Si joint, mostly, 99% of the time ont eh right. This is then thrown up into the lumbars, which is reflected to the thoracics. and by the time it reaches the cervicals it gets complicated as the SI will be riding high from the instability, which will throw the neck.
It comes down to what came first, the tight muscle or the joint instability.
Skilled people can unlock the secrets, but it needs a unitary approach, not just ART.