Bit of a strange question but how tired should you feel after weight training?
I usually feel pretty tired after lifting, am i going to heavy?
Bit of a strange question but how tired should you feel after weight training?
I usually feel pretty tired after lifting, am i going to heavy?
What are you trying to do at the moment in the gym? What phase are you in?
How is your response the next -easy, I suppose- day and the day after that? How do you feel in the next high intensity session?
Currently GPP, splitting upper and lower as in GPP DVD.
I think diet may be more important than exactly what you are doing in the weight room. If I don’t have enough to eat/drink then I feel tired after or towards the end of a weights session. If I have enough then I’m never tired, no matter what I do. Often I feel energised instead.
You should not feel like tired and heavy after sessions at the moment, take it easy and give time to your self; I would adjust accordingly.
You should not struggle for the load.
Hope it helps!