Pmoax's 400/800 Training

How have you found the transition from sprinting to middle distance? I’ve come from a sprinting background myself.

Well hitting up the mileage isn’t too bad but I’m coming from a very high general fitness capacity so I think that helps. The part that has been killing me are workout that are what most people would refer to as “intensive tempo” with very short recoveries

What sort of recovs are you refering to? 30sec? 60sec? 90sec? That kind of thing?

Yea, but not only are they short, they come after rather tough repetitions. Just look at what I did below.

Monday 9/7
5 Mile Run
7X200m @30-32 with 30s jogging recovery (took 1:30 recovery after the 6th)
1 Mile Run
notes: Feeling better with the Mid-Distance training, still have a lot of room to improve.

Volume For Day: 7 Miles
Volume For Week: 7 Miles

Tuesday 9/8
7 Badger Miles in 49:21
6X100m Hard Strides

Volume for Day: 14 Miles
Volume for Week: 14 Miles

Wednesday 9/9/09
20 Minute Warm Up
4X 1:50 Hills with 90sec recovery
5X 50s Hills with 2:00 recovery
20 Minute Cool Down
notes: Handled the hills much better than last time.

1 Mile Bike
Dynamic Drills
3X5 Squats @185lbs
3X5 CGRDL’s @135lbs
3X12 Back Extensions
3X12 Decline Sit Ups

Volume for Day: 7 Miles
Volume for Week: 21 Miles

Thursday 9/10
~8 Miles in 51:34
Distance Style Core Circuit
notes: Did some mileage in the arb today.

Volume for Day: 8 Miles
Volume for Week: 29 Miles

Friday 9/11
2 Miles
5X400m @74 with 30s recovery
1:45 recovery
2X400m @72 with 30s recovery
1:45 recovery
2X400m @72 with 1:45 recovery
1 Mile

2X5 Vertimax with 4 cords @5:5
2,2,2,2,2 Snatch @65lbs, 85lbs, 105lbs, 105lbs, 105lbs
3X5 Squats @185lbs
3X5 CGRDL’s @135lbs
2X8 Glute-Ham Raise

Volume for Day: 6 Miles
Volume for Week: 35 Miles

Saturday 9/12
6 Badger Miles with Bolas

Volume for Day: 6 Miles
Volume for Week: 41 Miles

Sunday 9/13
10 Badger Miles
8 Minute Ice Bath
notes: An interesting fact is that I am 25lbs lighter than this point last year weighing in at around 148, which should hopefully make the transition to the 800m a lot easier.

Volume for Day: 10 Miles
Volume for Week: 51 Miles

Monday 9/14
5 Badger Miles
8X200m @28-30s with 45-60s recovery
1 Badger Mile

5 Min Bike
Dynamic Drills
3X5 Squat @185lbs
3X5 CGRDL’s @135lbs
2X12 Back Extensions
2X12 Decline Sit Ups
2X12 Hanging Knee Raises

Volume for Day: 7 Miles
Volumer for Week: 7 Miles

Tuesday 9/15
Dynamic Warm Up
8 Badger Miles and 1 Mushroom
10 Minute Sauna
2 Minute Ice Bath

Volume for Day: 8 Miles
Volume for Week: 15 Miles

Is the lifting you are doing with the team? At first glance it looks similar to what I have read about your program before college.

Good luck in college and enjoy it as it goes fast.


Right now since I am with the Mid-D guys lifting has kinda gotten push back and I am just doing a little on the side to keep up with it until we get a little more into the routine.

What are badger miles and mushroom?

Haha, well we keep track of volume in a strange way that I won’t go into because… well… it is our secret. And the mushroom is my personal touch to the system.

haha ok, sounds interesting…

Wednesday 9/16
17 Minute Warm Up
Hills: Long, Short, Long, Short, Long, Short, Short, Short, Extra Short
19 Minute Cool Down
notes: A long hill is ~1:45s with 1:30 (van recovery), A short hill is ~60s with 1:45 joging recovery, extra short hill was 35s

Afternoon (part II):
2,2,2,2,2 Snatch @65lbs, 85lbs, 105lbs, 115lbs, 115lbs
4X8 Squat @135lbs
4X8 CGRDL’s @135lbs
2X12 Hanging Knee Raises

Volume for Day: 6 Miles
Volume for Week: 21 Miles

Thursday 9/17
Dynamic Warm Up
8 Badger Miles

Quick Dynamic Warm Up
6 Badger Miles
6X100m @13s on grass barefoot with 60s recovery
Quick Core

Volume for Day: 14 Miles
Volume for Week: 35 Miles