

lol well what do you suggest.

You love that stuff.

1 scoop of powerdrive
4 old school amp’s
CD: “slim thug tha boss”

yea try it out. they got samples on bb.com i think

where can the old school amps be found

Took it on hard days, just felt so much energy like I wanted just keep going and going. Like (when playing football) the rush you get at the opening kick off or in the fourth quarter when the game is on the line.

What are you a racist or something? There have been many gifted White sprinters. Christopher Lemaitre is a “white guy” and he’s probably the best young sprinter in the world…a legitimate threat to break the world record.

The first black to break the world record in the 100 did so in 1932 (for those that argue blacks were "disciminated against until the 60s) and yet through the 1940s and 50s the best sprinters were white. In the 60s you had a couple of blacks then Borzov in the 70s.
Allen Wells was the fastest man in the world in the early 80s and Pietro Mennea held the WR in the 200 until 96.

So, if you’re implying that whites are at a genetic disadvantage you’re wrong.

I doubt he is racist, and it seems pretty obvious that Caucasians are at a genetic disadvantage for sprinting.

Yes I am racist!!! Black power baby!!! Give me a break, my girlfriend is white… :slight_smile:

New guy sounds like you couldnt wait to talk about race. For every one fast white guy how many fast blacks are there? DOes that not show you the disadvantage. :rolleyes:

I am whiter than white, and Lemaitre needs to break 10.00 before he can even think about breaking 9.90, nevermind any world records! If he gets to 9.95 this season he can be pleased.

Just ask the guys at caste football …

It was a racist comment. As for the “genetic disadvantage”, I’d consider the realities of participation…in America, at least, even the most gifted whites don’t participate in sprinting because of this suppossed inability to compete.

At my high school pretty much every black kid was strongly encouraged/virtually recruited to run the sprints. The white kids, on the other hand, no matter how perfectly suited for sprinting they appeared were either ignored or told to try shot put or decathlon (even if they had ridiculously low body fat percentage, great strenght to body weight ratio, high cut calves etc.). This happens all over the country. How many of the best white athletes that you know even tried sprinting?

I think he was just being a realist.

Gee, I don’t know professor why don’t you crunch the numbers for me. The fact is that pretty much every black person in the world has tried their hand at sprinting whereas few whites have so current demographics of elite sprinting don’t necessarily say much about genetic predisposition.

The fastest men I know are white and I know many blacks who have run track and were supposed to be “great athletes” so I’m skeptical.

Further, didn’t you try to disparage Casey Combest in another thread. Regardless of his personal issues, Combest was a genetic freak of nature for speed and the fact that you would discount his talent incriminates your own bias.

Casey Combest ran like 10.3. A far cry from 9.5.

Another realist.

But no worries, just cos white man can’t run, doesn’t mean the world will stop spinning.

Da fuck u talkin bout. Thats all you got is casey. Please take your white power movement and neg reps somewhere else and stop hi jacking threads with your non sense.

Do you need to drink a lot of water while on Jack3d? Is there a good phasing period? Like 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off? Thanks