Pmoax's 400/800 Training

Friday 7/10
Drumroll please… Off

Saturday 7/11
Triangle Champions Track Meet
400m: 49.81e
200m: 22.99e

notes: ehh not what I was looking for from this meet…

Sunday 7/12
Dynamic Warm Up
5km Run in 21:41

Monday 7/13
Dynamic Warm Up
3X300m @ (35.8, 35.9, 36.2) with 12 minute recoveries
notes: My SEII is still pitiful and needs to improve…

Dynamic Warm Up
3X3 Snatch @30kg
3X3 Squat @70kg
3X10 1-Leg Hamstring Buck off 12’’ box
3X12 Hanging Knee Raises

Tuesday 7/14
Dynamic Warm Up
10km Run in 42:47

30 Minutes Deep Tissue on Hams and Glutes
Dynamic Warm Up
200-400-600-400-200 with 5 minute recoveries (29, 60, 1:30, 60, 28)
2X100m Hard Strides on Grass with 60s recovery
notes: Felt solid today, got some deep tissue before the tempo with no adverse effects. I am encouraged by the fact that I can cruise a 1:30 pretty easily.

Wednesay 7/15
Dynamic Warm Up
10km in 44:26

Thursday 7/16
Dynamic Warm Up
4X30m with ~3 Minute Recoveries
2X450m @58.5,59.5 with 20 Minute Recovery (hit the 400m at 51 and 52)
30 Minute Deep Tissue on Glutes and Hams
3X3 Squats @50kg
notes: I got bit by something on my first 450 so I had to go back and start again. Its weird, I have been bitten on the foot twice this week…

Friday 7/17
Dynamic Warm Up
5X300m @41,41,42,41,42 with 3 Minute Recoveries

Saturday 7/18

Sunday 7/19
Dynamic Warm Up
6X100m @15s with 60s recoveries on grass
notes: Just trying to loosen the legs up after traveling in the car for 12 hours on friday…

Monday 7/20
Dynamic Warm Up
3X300m @36 with 20 minute recoveries
notes: I suck :frowning:

10 Min Treadmill Warm Up at 2.0 incline
A couple dynamic movement things in place
3X3 Squats @185lbs
3X5 CGRDL’s @135lbs
2X12 Back Extensions
3X12 Decline Sit Ups
2X12 Hanging Knee Raises

Tuesday 7/21
Dynamic Warm Up
8X200m @28s with 1:52 recovery

Wednesday 7/22
Dynamic Warm Up
8X200m @28s with 1:52 recovery
notes: I’m not sure why but I felt like doing the same thing as the day before…

Thursday 7/23
Dynamic Warm Up
1X600m @1:23.00
20 Minutes
1X500m @1:04.9
notes: Great session

10 Min Bike Warm Up
Dynamic Stretches
3X3 Squats @70kg
2X8 RDL’s with one 45lb db
2X12 Back Extensions
3X15 Hanging Knee Raises
2X12 Decline Sit Ups

3 x 300 @36 ain’t too bad mate. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

Friday 7/24
Dynamic Warm Up
10X100m @15s with 60s recoveries on grass

Saturday 7/25
Dynamic Warm Up
4X300m @ 41,42,42,42 with 3 Minute Recoveries

Sunday 7/26
5km Run in 21:48

Monday 7/27

Tuesday 7/28