PLZ Help Charlie

I also lost about 10 lbs since last year. I don’t think the effects of weight loss are immediate. Its a strange thing. Most of my weight loss was fat loss and some upper body muscle from back in the day when I was a meat head and all lower body strength was preserved.

I think you’ll eventually see a benefit.

Your runs look good, powerful. Quick turn over. You’re getting good extension, but you’re CoG is not super low. Personally, I’ve adopted a lower leg recovery for the first 3-4 strides and have found that its helped my stride length in those steps without affecting stride rate. Shin angles are good which is one of the most important things I usually look at. You’re CoG height might be caused by the sled, so I wouldn’t be too concerned with that. When I’ve been doing sleds I’ve been trying to get comfortable pushing off as close to the ground as possible, so just waiting for my body to be low before pushing off the next step, which the lower leg recovery has helped.