plyos necesary?

hey guys, im a short sprinter/hurdler that never uses plyos outside of the sprinting action itself. ive seen consistent improvement training this way and i was wondering if there is a real need for me to integrate plyos. i think i remember reading that charlie didnt use plyos or olys with ben johnson. i lift and use oly variants.

There is no need for extra plyometric training. You get enough plyometric action from your actual sprint training.

(Just my two cents)

plyos are more than ways to increase power. Some great coaches use them as testing and teaching tools. Many elite hurdlers have gone sub 13.2 without one jump though. If they are to be used do them early in the SPP.

As Clemson says they can be useful but only when used in the right context and for a real and necessary reason.

If you are not fully aware of when and how to use them and are making steady progress without then I would suggest keeping them out of your programme for now. Otherwise, they will just be a competing stress if managed poorly and won’t necessarily lead to improvment.

For ideas on how to use Jumps to supplement your programme from a power perspective especially at this time of year (GPP) have a look at the GPP DVD.

thanks guys those were my own thoughts, i just wanted a little more confirmation.

in athletics we want to shorten the “amortization phase” as much as possible isnt that done effectively with plyos? doesnt plyos train the GTO to fire later than sooner?

i dont think this necesarily has to be done with plyos.

But is’nt the amortization phase (GCT) longer for specialized plyometric drills than GCT in actual sprinting? Well, that is if the sprinting intensity is higher?

So would specialized plyometric drills, for example a depth jump, technically increase the amorization phase leading to negative training results?