Plyos for 400/800 runner. Currently early in pre season.

Hi all,

Am currently in pre season winter training for the 4/8. Lots of long stuff, circuits and 1 weight session a week. Plyo wise, what time in the season (pre season) would be a good time to incorporate some plyo exercises? Now, in the early part, of later, as I increase a bit of faster running? My season starts around November. (Aussie).




I would start now! Begin with the small exercises if it has been a while and then advance the dynamics and contacts as the year progress’.

  1. Double leg (StLJ, Cont, Up Jumps)
  2. Alternate leg (Bound, 5strLJ, Skip)
  3. Single leg (Hop, Kanga)

Progress from one cycle to the next as skill, tendons/ligaments and muscles adapt.


You could incorporate a number of plyos and jumps into your current circuits, this before you move outside for bounds and hops…

Borzov jumps, burpees, split jumps, supersets of: wall sit/floor jumps, squats/floor jumps, bench/push up clap…

As Walbin said, now is great time to start to adapt to intensities and loads before progressing.

Good coaching advise.