Hi all,
Am currently in pre season winter training for the 4/8. Lots of long stuff, circuits and 1 weight session a week. Plyo wise, what time in the season (pre season) would be a good time to incorporate some plyo exercises? Now, in the early part, of later, as I increase a bit of faster running? My season starts around November. (Aussie).
I would start now! Begin with the small exercises if it has been a while and then advance the dynamics and contacts as the year progress’.
- Double leg (StLJ, Cont, Up Jumps)
- Alternate leg (Bound, 5strLJ, Skip)
- Single leg (Hop, Kanga)
Progress from one cycle to the next as skill, tendons/ligaments and muscles adapt.
You could incorporate a number of plyos and jumps into your current circuits, this before you move outside for bounds and hops…
Borzov jumps, burpees, split jumps, supersets of: wall sit/floor jumps, squats/floor jumps, bench/push up clap…
As Walbin said, now is great time to start to adapt to intensities and loads before progressing.