Plyos as substitutes for lifting?

NOV 03
weightroom workout
Cleans 6x3 @ 70-80%
bench 6,6,5,5,4 @70-80%
half squat 3x5 @90-95%
Chinups 3x12
abs on swiss ball 150-200 total

Track workout
4x20,30,40 alternate grass and track

What med-ball work would you prescribe(volume,exercise) to replace the entire weight workout. The track work stays the same.

Can you put the timing on the work-out? Was it all one session or two? If one, why were the weights before the speed/ Explain a little more about the speed session. At what intensity was the speed work carried out and was the alternation for grass to track in one session, and, if so, how?

What do you mean by timing on the work-out?
All of the above was one session not two. The weights were done after the track workout (sorry for posting it out of order).About 15-25 min between the two.
The intensity was slightly sub-max, just enough to focus on some technical cue ( eg. head inline with back,full range of motion of arms, etc). The alternation between track and grass is also in one session, 1st run grass, 2nd run track, 3rd run grass, 4th run track. Repeat for the next two set.(the track in mondo/not the best thing to train on)

So, put the session in order for me and put down the approx time it takes for each exerecise or set of exercises.

jog 800m; static flexibility 10-15 min; sprint drills 2x30m (As, Bs ,butt kicks, str.leg bounds,fast leg cycle);dynamic flexibility 10 min:4x60m build ups(2 in flats, 2 in spikes)

4x20m 2-3min between reps
6min break
4x30m 3min between reps
8min break
4x40m 3-4min between reps
20-25 min break (walk/talk, rehydrate, leg shaking/stretching)
cleans 6x3 2-4min rest between sets
walk over to bench station and set up(never really timed how long it took)
bench 6,6,5,5,4 2-4min rest between set
walk over to squat rack and set up (time n/a)
squat 3x5 5min between sets
stack weights
chinups 3x12 3min rest between sets
abs (as long as it takes)

I’ll reply in stages (as I’m getting bagged!)
First, move the breaks for the 30s to 4 min between reps, and move the 40s to 5 to 6 min between reps. with these longer breaks, you might be able to shorten the break time to 15 to 20 min. Next post, I will split the strenght between Expl Med Ball work and weights, and also attempt to come up with an alternative- but, based on the info I have, it can’t be as accurate as a split.

Thank you Charlie and THEONE for sharing information.

Much apreciated! Sorry for asking so much questions. One day will hope to be a ‘net-contributor’ :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s my first stab at some changes. I’ve put them into your post to keep things in order. (most changes in bold and I changed some rest breaks as mentionned before)

Nice so far,looking foward to your 2nd and 3rd stab at some changes. How would you up the intensity on the expl. med-ball throws, volume or weight of ball?

Now if one was to take out weights how’d this look;

jog 800m; static flexibility 10-15 min; sprint drills 2x30m (As, Bs ,butt kicks, str.leg bounds,fast leg cycle);dynamic flexibility 10 min:4x60m build ups(2 in flats, 2 in spikes)

4x20. 2-3min rest
6 min
4x30m. 4min rest
8min break
4x40m, 5-6 min between reps
15-20 min break (walk/talk, rehydrate, leg shaking/stretching)
-explosive backward throws 2x8. 2 min rest
-squat throw 2x6-8. 2 min rest
-single hop 2x6-8. 2 min rest
-double hop 2x6-8. 2 min rest
abs (as long as it takes)
back extensions


Charlie, I know your getting bombarded, but I wanted to know how this looked for workouts(Im training two of my friends, one who does nothing, but ran the fastest time in the region and placed 10th at the state meet)
Day 1-Acc. Training

  1. 6-8x30m(3.5-4min rest, gets higher as reps get higher)
  2. 5-6x50m(5.5-6min rest, again higher as reps get higher)
  3. ME Bench Press-2RM
  4. Triceps-3-4x5-6
  5. Lats(pull down, I feel like these hit the rear delts sufficiently)-3-4x5-6

Day 2-Tempo Workout
Varies for the three of us

Day 3-Off or light tempo workout

Day 4-Max V Training

  1. 4-6x60m(6.5-6min rest)
  2. 3-4xflying 10-20(3 min rest)
  3. 1-2x120m or 150m(5 min rest)
    Weight Room
  4. Hip Snatch or Push Jerk(the reactive component makes this a plyo)-4-6x1
  5. ME Lower-2RM

Day 5-Tempo

Day 6 and 7-Off

I use bounds and skips in my warm up, and abs are done after weight room and the day after. What would you alter or suggest a change for?


A while back under the ‘age consideration’ category you mentioned “Recovery is the key for masters as it’s the one element that can cause no harm. also i’d take great care in useing plyos when weights can cover so many needs with much greater safety!”

I was wondering if you could elaborate on that statement regarding how weights can cover many needs. Were you thinking that Weights can cover the aspects of plyos? If so, then could you elaborate please. Obviously it worked for Ben. Also, would you consider that 3 sets of 8-10 rep max would be less CNS stressful than (2 x (4 x 5 hurdles) = 40 contacts) maximum?

Or is it just that because of the ballistic nature of plyos that it’s much more unnecessary?


Hi Charlie,
least you forget I am bumping this baby!

For masters, explosive type plyos are obviously much more risky than weights.

Originally Posted by THEONE
jog 800m; static flexibility 10-15 min; sprint drills 2x30m (As, Bs ,butt kicks, str.leg bounds,fast leg cycle);dynamic flexibility 10 min:4x60m build ups(2 in flats, 2 in spikes)

4x20m 2-3min between reps
6min break
4x30m 3min between reps
8min break
4x40m 3-4min between reps
20-25 min break (walk/talk, rehydrate, leg shaking/stretching)
cleans 6x3 2-4min rest between sets
walk over to bench station and set up(never really timed how long it took)
bench 6,6,5,5,4 2-4min rest between set
walk over to squat rack and set up (time n/a)
squat 3x5 5min between sets
stack weights
chinups 3x12 3min rest between sets
abs (as long as it takes)

Here are my version one changes again.

Originally Posted by THEONE
jog 800m; static flexibility 10-15 min; sprint drills 2x30m (As, Bs ,butt kicks, str.leg bounds,fast leg cycle);dynamic flexibility 10 min:4x60m build ups(2 in flats, 2 in spikes)

4x20m 2-3min between reps
6min break
4x30m 4min between reps
8min break
4x40m 5-6min between reps
15-20 min break (walk/talk, rehydrate, leg shaking/stretching)
cleans 3x3 2-4min rest between sets
walk over to bench station and set up(never really timed how long it took)
bench 6,6,5,4,4 2-4min rest between set
walk over to squat rack and set up (time n/a)
squat 2x5 5min between sets
stack weights
chinups 3x12 3min rest between sets
abs (as long as it takes)

A second option for earlier in the prep period might be:
4 x Explosive forward squat throws.
2 min break
4 x 20m w 2min break
3 min break
3 x Explosive forward single hop throws
3mi break
4 x 30m w 3 min break
5min break
2 x Explosive forward double hop throws
3min break
4 x 40m w 4.5min break
15min break
Cleans 2 reps followed by 4 reps explosive overhead backwards throws
4min break
Cleans 2 reps followed by 4 reps explosive overhead backwards throws
4min break
Cleans 2 reps Followed by 4 reps explosive overhead backwards throws
4min break
bench, squats and chin-ups as before.
For a much more thorough explanation of the reasoning behind and the timing of explosive work, as well as visual demonstrations of the drills, get the GPP DVD.

1.In the first option, the med-ball work replaced a few sets of the cleans and squats (fair exchange). However, in option 2 the med-ball work is added in with the track work(which stays the same) and then take the place of a few sets of the cleans(fair exchange again). Does this option add to the volume of cns work?
2. With med-ball work would you follow the same macro/phase set up like in cfts? For example a 12 week max str phase with a 3:1 macro.
3. Would you say that med-ball work is more “specific” to sprinting than weights and would have to be droped sooner as not to compete with the same reserves needed for the intensification of speed work?

1: It could, if the sprints were fast enough. That’s why I suggested that this would be an option for earlier on in the prep period, before speed is maximized.
3: I’ll answer this first- Yes, though they would be lowered, not dropped.
2: That’s why Expl Med Ball work is modified downwards in numbers while the weights vol continues along a similar volume till later.