plantar foot position?

sorry if that’s not what it’s called but I read it in another thread and it is pretty much what I do. When starting to sprint I tend to almost overstride and pull through, which I think is why my hammies are a little vulnerable. Is there anything I can do, either technically or in terms of stretching or strength, to change this? I could concentrate on keeping my feet under me, but then I feel like I’m understriding . . .

suggy yes overstridring will increase the chances of hs pulls and also you are maybe landing too far in front of the cog thus leading to braking thus adding extra pressure in the hs.

learn to run freely and doing this you will create a natural stride lenght which will be more effecient to your sprinting.alot of times sprinters try to push things which leads to tension which leads to overload=injuries.

start of at a slower pace,maybe around 85% which should be you learn to run and get accustomised with the sprinting move the % up gradually.also what i think are great are stadiums which learn you how to push top coach i was with had me running up the inclining paths beneath stadiums to learn me how to push properly and i learned quickly.

best of luck