if you do sprints and then lift on mon, wed and friday (which takes 90 min).
what should be done on tue and thur. tempo should be done, but it doesnt take up the whole class period. maybe i m answering my own question, but technique training too can be performed.
Any more suggestions to keep 35 adolescents improving and active on tues and thur.
How early should kids specialise? Games and other sports, in moderation, will provide great variety, are good fun, and ensure a broader base of development at that age.
the East German text book of athletics describes the “principle of manysidedness” ie coordination of both sides of the body from a young age.
Kids should be encouraged to develop sporting abilities on both left and right sides in all activities especially jumping, throwing and ball skills.
I would get them to play sport with focus on developing this coordination, eg soccer played with the weaker foot, tennis with more emphasis on the backhand.
They wont all stick with athletics and these coordination skills will be good for them in other competitive sports.