I think that everyone here at the CF.com is familiar with wave-like loading principle, which states that after some progressive increase in loading there should be some period of decreased load… Most basic example is 3+1 in resistance training (3 weeks build-up, 1 week recovery ). But this is not the issue here.
The question is, wheteher this “unloading” is planned in advance (feed-forward) or on some feed-back basis (athlete performance, RPE, HR rest etc)? Why there should be unloading if athlete is not tired and his performance doesnt platoue, but rather there is progressive improvements? So, basically planning unloading in advance is misleading!
On the other hand, is there a real need for unloading (in resistance training)? As, Poliquin (based on Charlies experience) stated that if athlete performance is 5-7% less than planned there should be emediatelly stopping or exercise switching rather than doing “garbage” sets (“Quality over quantity”, and “less is more”). Also, he stated that after some time there should be a switching in training methods and loads to provide continual progression. Isnt this a wave-like loading, but not planned, spontaneusly happened!
On my own opinion, unloading shouldnt be planned, but rather let happened (let is a key word here) as a normal reaction due some rhytmic cycling in work capacity, biorhytm, fatigue, training emphasis, C.A.R. etc. So, athlete will choose his own work/recovery rhythms (based on his own dose-respons, adaptability, fatigue and recovery rate) if you LET him do it. “Letting him” doesnt mean athlete should plan his own workouts, but rather coach should do it based on his objective monitoring of athlete state (based on performance)
I dont want to write a long post here, but I must adress the issue what should be unloaded? Intensity or volume? Or both? Again, on my opinion, intensity is the key componenet of training and should be maintained, but the volume should vary. Decreasing intesity (over some treshold) automaticaly decreases working capacity (abilityes) and this is not the goal of unloading, but rather improving work capacity and managing fatigue. This is done by reducing volume of training (less reps, less training frequency etc.)