Pascal Caron - Dec 1st to Dec 6th

David, this is is his stress week as he is not competing this weekend. Tuesday is very easy and so is Thursday … both are actually active recovery days (evidenced by the fact that his heart rate was significantly down on wednesday morning). Furthermore, the strength volume is so low that he really has no CNS problems at all. Also consider that (as I mentionned in another post) he was unable to run last week. So his CNS was fresh, hence the stress week.

During the season his squatting volume is decreased to once every 10 days, which we found was sufficient to maintain his strength. Right now he can full squat (fullest I’ve ever seen in my life!) 465lbs at a bodyweight of 163lbs, no need to push this life for the time being. When we will get to the start of his next cycle we will aim for a 500lbs squat at that bodyweight, but right now it’s only strength maintenance.

Numba, it does seem pretty good. As long as you can fit in 2 OFF days in there you will be fine. Just make sure that your diet is good, with that sort of volume you’ll need gas for the machine and enough proteins to repair muscle micro-trauma.

Keep an eye open for signs of overtraining and stagnation. If you feel tired or loose some motivation CUT DOWN THE VOLUME IMMEDIATELY … do not ask yourself if you should, DO IT! If you don’t improve in the gym for 2 weeks in a row cut down volume too, but less significantly.

Woohoo! I finally found a winner! Thanks again and I look forward to your new book and any new article you publish on t-mag.

Would the lowering of total reps performed(ie 5x1 each exercise with 4 exercises each total, making for 15 total reps per day, 4 reps per session, 3 days per week), and splitting up of the exercises into a mon, tues, wed split be acceptable? I just read your article in the other thread about squat volume. And also would taking a ten minute ice bath after training sessions allow for the higher volume? Im not one of those people who like to change all the time, im just curious as to how different variation work.

What sort of taper was done for the event? Do you normally have the athlete perform CNS intensive work consecutive days like that?


Has Pascal raced again since his 6.87? If so how did he go?