good or bad? do they help? if not what would be better.
In most cases (as with all training tools), it’s not the parachutes that are the problem (although gradual hills and sleds are better), it’s the clowns that are implementing the program inappropriately.
in defence of parachutes they have helped me in the past but i do know that u can not measure the resistance and that you should not apply more then 10lbs of ur body wieght as resistance
Charlie please answer this one. i like how you talk about the parachute flipflopping all over the place messing up sprint mechanics.
You’ve made my point already but we have a thread on this in the archives about sprint aids of all sorts. Pete? Where are you?
Please find the thread pertaining to resisted sprints/parachutes here:
if for some reason you have no access to hills/sleds or whatever then parachutes are not the worst idea.i have used these items in the past.from my expiereience the wind must be in-line,as in straight in your face which is very rare.
while up and running the chutes will cause trouble.any slight varyation in the wind direction will cause you to run to one side.we have covered this in great depth in the past.stick to hills and proper sprinting mechanics.mechanics are the base to running fast,if everything is moving together then the speed will take care of itself
i think X man has put it best. i have found that when i use to use the parachute i get pusehd to one side.
Please find the thread pertaining to resisted sprints/parachutes here:
How can i find this thread ?
The link above doesn´t work anymore…
They’re great for jumping out of airplanes.
Maybe its in here somewhere, im too lazy to check but if you want you can
HAHA yea like someone using it for a corner.
HAHA yea like someone using it for a corner.
That would be our ridiculously retarded track coach.
Go with a sled, you do not need to hope the wind is just right with it.
Cocca, where in CT are ya?
Suffield, near the border of mass.
Hey Cocca,
is this picture your signature ?! :rolleyes:
huh??? I don’t get it. edit: oh darn the server is down