Palmtag's Kick

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Week-4 Tuesday
Workout: 9 easy, stretches. 6x:30 abs, 6x:30 core

The run today felt very easy. I was energized the whole time. I feel that it had to do with the minescule milage yesterday. Tommorrow I’m going to do my first on-the-track workout. Pretty excited about it.

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Weekly Meterage

Week-4 Wednesday
Workout: 1.5 mi, 8x100m w/back R, 1.5 mi, stretches, 3x5 clean/jerk, 3x5 bench, 3x5 pulldowns, 3x8 squats

Clean/Jerk: ~100,~110,~110
Bench: 115, 115, 115
Pulldowns: 75,75,75
Squats, 115,115,115

The 100’s felt extremely easy. I blasted through them with an ease I haven’t felt in a long while. But after that…Ouch… A DeMolay emergency came up and I had to ditch the “7 mi easy” part of my running workout. But after I came back (11:29PM) I decided to do my lifting w/my brother. We had fun, chatted a lot and generally made asses of our selves while gettin’ in a decent lift-session. But we got back in the house at 12:59 ! OUch! so now it’s 10:45 I woke up half an hour ago, and i feel like a train hit me. I’m getting sleep tonight. Godanmit.

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Weekly Meterage

Week-4 Thursday
Workout: 1.5mi, 4x2x20m trail sprints, 7mi easy, stretches, (no core work)

I felt pretty beat from the weight workout, but after I jogged a bit I was very relaxed and strong. I had to rein myself in a couple times.

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Weekly meterage

Week-4 Friday
Workout: .5 mi jog, agilities, light stretches, 3x5 clean/jerk, 3x8 bench, 3x12 squat, 1:20 easy, stretches, (no core)

Ouch. My shoulders are very sore from all of the clean’s and pulldowns. I think I’m going to adjust my weight schedual a bit. Mon: C/J, Bench, Pulldown Wed: Squat, bench, ??? Fri: C/J Bench Pulldown. But as I hoped during the run my body felt pretty good. At first my quads felt pretty sore, but then after the blood got flowing everything felt pretty sore… err I mean my quads felt better :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yah… I compressed my wrist and I couldn’t lift heavy. Going to get my w/lifting gloves before I lift hard again.

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Week-4 Saturday
Workout: 1:45 shoveling, stretches, and lots of painfull sitting.

Shoveling is tough work! Yikes! I shoveled all mornin’ with my stepdad. I cleared about 50ft of steep driveway.

Today was my Gf’s Grand Reception, so I carried a flag for her.

Every time I think about racing I get chills down my spine. Every time I speed up in a run it releases a horde of flesh-eating butterflies. Every time I push it in a workout I can’t get the picture of myself pulling away from the pack. I’m excited, but I know all the pieces aren’t in place yet.Who cares, though? I’ll be running Feb 16-18th in Pocatello booyah.

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Weekly Meterage

Week-5 Monday
Workout: 6x:30 arms, 6x1:00 abs, 6x1:00 bridges, 3x5 115lb Bench, 3x5 210lb squat 1x5 120lb Clean/Jerk, 1200m jog, Cone Drills, 6 miles easy, 1 fast mile

It felt good to finally lift heavy on the weights. The squat I felt a bit shakey the first set, but after I got used to the weight and the amount of focus I was able to lift it. (Though “No problem” would not be applicable 5reps at 210 was not easy) The clean was pretty… well clean. I’m cleaning more than I bench. Lord help me.

Drills were as follows: 3x(20E-20F-20E)+(20F-20E-20F) Pretty fun workout.

I was running with my good mate Ivan. I look over an ask, “I’m feelin’ pretty good. You wanna book it on the way back?” He says, “I’m hurtin’ a bit, but I’ll do it.” So we turn back and start running. At first the pace is merely quick. Then we accelerated together. For so long we’ve been running together we could FEEL eachother speed up before they moved ahead. My legs were pumping fast, my hands coming all the way up I could feel the road flying under me. With 600m left, I didn’t feel as good as I thought I did. Then with about 500m to go he has 5-7 meters on me. He turns around and says “Take the lead” he slows up a tiny bit, but we’re still flying. I push my reserves and dash in front of him. I blitzed the last quarter mile like a state championships was on the line, and he stuck right… on my tail :stuck_out_tongue:

4:54 :smiley:

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Weekly Meterage

Week-5 Tuesday
Workout: 8 miles easy. I ran bayview walker today. There is a hill that is usually pretty tough, but I’m in such great hill-running shape from all the distance I’ve been doing up in the mountains that I wasn’t even that sore from running the hill.

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Weekly Meterage

Week-5 Wednesday
Workout: 10 min run, agilities, very short static stretches, 6x150 W/100m WB recov, 3x5 Bench, 1x8+1x7 clean/jerk, 3x5 lat pulldowns, 6 miles easy, static stretches


Bench: 115, 120, 120 (new 5 REP PR yah! Go me!)
Clean/Jerk: 120,115
Lats: 100

Good workout today! I didn’t burn much at all at any point in the 150’s workout. But I had NO IDEA how fast my goal pace actually was, until I actually did it! Holy Sheet 56’ quarters?! The weight room I’m feeling great. This is the third week in a row I’ve put another 10lb’s on my bench and my clean. Tommorrow I’m doing my core workout, as it was just too much to pile into one day.

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Week-5 Thursday (DeMolay Meeting night)

Workout: ~1:00/8+mi easy but fast, 10-Xmen

(100 pushups, 250 crunches, 120 free squats total)

Good run today. I felt great the entire way. It’s kind of odd to run on flat ground after running on hills for so long. I feel like I’ve got lot’s of energy and can push the pace -albeit a small amount- for the entire run. I was under 7:00min/mi for the entire run, and I should’ve eased up in the latter bit, but I just felt like I had a great workout going on shrug. My legs are a bit sore now. The X-men were kind of fun, I was able to do them non-stop without any kind of serious challenge.

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Weekly Meterage

Week-5 Friday
Workout: 6x1:00 core, 8x1:00 abs, 6x:30 pushups, 3x7 bench,1x11 clean, 2x7 squat 7 miles easy,

Today was a very so-so day. After my late night workout last night, I felt very more beat than I should’ve. The weight room was tough, the light core work was tough, and the long run I’ve decided to postpone until tommorrow because of a combination of time constraints and fatigue.

On a more positive note, I’ve decided that I’m going to become Central Coast Section Champion. Not that becoming a Champ is something you just “decide” to do, it takes huge amounts of work and there is a race I have to win too, but I’m setting that goal for myself. And I’m going to train like a Champion, and act like one. As I made this decision, I realized I’ve been training my ass off and that it is very likely that I will be in contention come April. So that if I am as serious about track as I seem to be, I should not hesitate, but rather embrace the mighty-of-mighty challenges.

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Week-5 Satuday
Workout: 4 miles easy
My feet were very sore. More so than I judged safe to do my long run. tee-hee. “I am going to train as a champion trains”… and so I take the next day off.

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Weekly Meterage

Week-5 Sunday
Workout: I chopped wood for 4 hours, and cleaned 50ft of driveway.

Weekly Meterage

Week-6 Monday
Workout: 4x30m incline accel, 4x30m decline fly, 1x5+1x1+1x5 Clean/jerk, 3x5 bench, 3x6 squat, 50 minutes easy (hilly)

Clean/Jerk: 95, 125, 105
Bench: 125, 125, 125
Squat: 200, 210, 210

Ahh… Finally. I’m very content that I’m putting up some good numbers in the weight room. Two PR’s in one day. I decided to do try a heavier weight on the C/J and it took me two tries to get it above my head (I need to video tape me doing the lift. My form is probably uglier’en shit… Thanks for the thought Joel :wink: ). The squats felt tough when I did my first rep, but after I straightened my knees, it felt heavy but very doable. So I put on 10lbs and it felt exactly the same. shrug

The run was blissfull. I felt really great the entire time, except for the first 3 minutes or so as usual I was a bit sore from the lifting.

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Weekly meterage

Week-6 Tuesday: My 18th B-Day Go me!!

Workout: 60 minutes easy(hilly)

Nice easy run. Except for the whole 2.0 miles uphill. Then 2.0 miles downhill. I like going uphill more than down, particularly when it’s steep. B/C right now I’m in such great hill shape, that I recover on a slight incline as much as I used to recover on flat ground! I have the rippling quads to match, too. I’ve also discovered that just as a 1/4 squat is easier than a 1/2 or full squat so is a shortened stride while climbing hills. If I increase my stride rate and shorten my stride I cover distance quicker w/out as much fatige (at least when I’m climbing up long and steep hills).

I also did my written driving test today, I passed. So I can now legally drive 'round.

Workout Meterage
Weekly Meterage

Woot! I now have a “last page” button on my journal. This is such an accomplishment. I should really be proud.

Week-6 Wednesday
Workout: 10 min jog, agilities, 8x150m@RP 1:15 recov, 6x1:00 bridges, 6x1:00 abs, 6x:30 arms, 3x5 bench, 3x6 squat, 1x15 clean, 45 easy (muddy), stretches, hot bath+cold shower

21.4-X (went very hard)

Some of what I’ve heard about 800 pace running is that when fatigued it is best to emphasize a quick turnover. However, I found for myself, that when I’m tired the best way to keep my speed up is to focus on my arm motion: specifically, bringing my hands to my face and pulling down with my thumb and forefinger. (Haleluja for Upper Body weightlifting!!)

Todays workout was tough on the legs, especially after yesterday. But I was only supposed to do FIVE 150’s! I lost count and started moping “I’m not in as good of shape…maybe I SHOULD lengthen the recovery…It’ll be hard to run fast at simplot…Next week’s 600+200 is going to be death!” and all that jazz. Then after I started inputting the splits from my watch, I realized I’d done an extra 3 reps… tee-hee. it’s not so bad now :stuck_out_tongue: The after-run was a bit muddy, and I was very sore when I started running. But as usual, I really loosen up and feel great after the first 10 minutes. I would be in a lactic puddle right now w/out my long-arse cooldown.

P.S. Next Wednesday is 600+200 race prep. Any advice folks?

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Weekly Meterage

Week-6 Thursday
Workout: 8 miles road, stretches, 6x1:00 abs

I cramped my abs pretty good yesterday. I noticed it at the begining of my run, but it faded to nothing after 5 minutes. The hot bath I took last night helped my legs a load, though.

I ran with Ivan and Francisco. These guys are in good shape. The uphills I pushed a bit, the downhills I cruised, and flats I chilled. The road made my knees a bit sore.

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Weekly Meterage

Week-6 Friday
Workout: 6x:30 arms, 12x1:00 abs, 9x:30 bridges, 6x:30 arms, 3 miles easy

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Weekly Mteerage

Week-6 Saturday
Workout: 3x5 bench, 3x6 squat, 1:45 easy.

Umm… I was on the trails for two hours. Jesus chrushtoff, I was on the trails for TWO HOURS! It was supposed to be an hour and a half. But I guess I miscalculated severly the amount of time I’d be on teh trails. shrug oh well. It didn’t feel like 2 hours, though. I lost 3lb’s and .8% body fat. Not bad :stuck_out_tongue:

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Weekly Meterage

Week-6 Sunday
Workout: Sleeeeep… Off day. My feet were very sore, and I didn’t feel like testing them with an easy run. Instead I just sat around and played Dunegeons and Dragons Online… Fun fun fun.

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Weekly Meterage