Overspeed training

Couple of comments…

Overspeed isn’t just any method that deals with faster movement; the movement has to be done in a similar context i.e. high force output. Stick drills are not overspeed, IMHO, because the force output is so much lower. If such a thing could translate, we could just have athletes take tap dancing, because the contacts are extremely quick. But there would be no transfer, of course. Stick drills may be beneficial, but not in the develpment of RFD, stiffness etc., when force outputs are much higher.

Secondly, when counting steps and extrapolating to stride length, you need to be careful since changes in early steps (start phase, acceleration) can influence the number. Shorter strides in the early phase could offset longer strides in the Max V phase making the total number of steps the same, even if Max V stride length has lengthened. A better method might be to estimate the distance being covered with the longest 10 strides in the Max V phase, say somewhere between 60m and 80m, and compare those to earlier, slower, races.

In the case of running with a tailwind, Charlie maintained that it wasn’t really a case of assistance (unless the wind was really strong) as much as reduced resistance, similar to running at high altitude.

I like the concept of reduced resistance,a it smoothly moves the emphasis towards the “a” part of the F=ma equation,way too often overlooked in the force output consideration.

the right youtube address is now there to view the gat assisted runs

I don’t understand what you’re saying here. Its always about the ‘a’, meaning that to increase Max V, the net horizontal force has to be slightly greater allowing a new equilibrium to settle in (a new Max V). Mass doesn’t change, so to increase acceleration further beyond Max V, more net force must be realized. I don’t see how wind assistance is any different than towing or downhill. All three increase the net horizontal force available to accelerate the mass to a higher velocity.

Sure. I was only referring to how generally most of the emphasis is put on training means and methods which center around M variables,more so than A ones.

Stephen francis should do this with his top group of sprinters but up that steep concrete incline and regular incline. Asafas drive phase will be off the radar and when he hits top speed that will be off da chain

Ultra contrast training: turbine fan wind assistance up steep incline; turbine fan wind assistance down slight incline; turbine fan wind assistance up the slight incline from previous reps

Oh-wee-nag, the video has been removed

personally, the towing band didnt do anything for me, but i saw huge improvements doing the contrast training with a steep incline and slight decline