Optimal volume of plyos

I typically use double leg bounds, bounding, tuck jumps, and single leg bounds after speed work. But whatever exercises I use, volume is only 5-20 contacts.

What do you guys think is optimal? If doing 300-350m of speed, and then doing heavy squats after?

I wouldn’t introduce them in-season.

The plyos you describe that you are doing sound good.

I’ve been doing plyos all year

5-20 contacts?

Is that 5-20 contacts per exercise? How many total contacts per session?

5-20 contacts per session

When I was in Toronto training with Charlie, at dinner one night I asked Charlie roughly how much plyo volume would be appropriate. Ange responded, “How much energy do you have left after the speed work?” It was such an obvious answer when she said it. If 5-20 feels right for you, then stick with it. Less is more.

The volume that you don’t get injured doing!

I just have my athletes do very low volume, high quality work. I would rather my guys do 3x4 to a 36" box than do multiple foot contacts in lower output range. If the boys look a little shot, I may skip them entirely for the workout.

Outside of depth jumps, its hard to believe the 5 total contacts in a session will do much.

Inseason 5 total contacts will do the trick. Gpp/Spp when you are doing 500m of speed work, 20 mb throws, and weights you may only have time for 0 reps.