Only steep hills available.

There are plenty of hills where I live, only problem is they are all around 20 degrees steep.
Is this TOO steep to train on for even GPP phase?
Should I pull a tyre instead or something?

Allways the goal of trying to improve speed.

To be honest, even though everyone here advocates training on just slightly inclined hills…sprinting steep hills helped out my accel the most by far…i made the mistake of listening to everyone on this site and only sprinting slightly inclined hills and believe me it did not help my speed nearly as much as training on the steeper hills

I’m sure the grass hill with the steps used in GPP Essentials is the same one shown in the Jane Project but shot from a different angle (CF is that correct?) if so it is steeper than it appears on the GPP DVD.

That’s correct- it is fairly steep. hills can be used at a slight incline for some things but steeper for others. Always ask and don’t just make assumptions.
Please note Project Jane will be re-released as a download very shortly!!

YES!!! The missing piece in my collection :smiley:

Good timing. Maybe certain camps can use the Jane Project info to learn how to fix their screw ups.

Well then i am going to go ahead and ask because im now really curious…What do slightly inclined hills do for you that steeper hills don’t, and vice versa?

Which one is better for faster accel speed?

Also, can you use sprint both slightly inclined hills as well as steeper hills in the same accel workout?

I dont know why im being told this now. I’ve always been told by everyone on this site…:“OMG, only sprint SLIGHTLY INCLINED hills!! Stay away from steep hills b/c they will fu*k up your mechanics!!”

Now im told that steep hills are helpful? Whats the deal?

The shallower hill can be used for more technical work. Check out the GPP DVD or project Jane to see the hill used there- it’s a good 20% but we also use a lesser hill when the grass is very flat to work on technical issues where a steeper hill would reduce the number of reps you could perform.

wouldnt a steeper hill be better espeically for beginners who need to learn to have proper angles in the drive phase but without slowing speed to much?

How about a progression from steeper to shallower hills as the athlete progresses in strength and technique to prepare them for eventually a track?

Yes, it depends on the speed of execution and the work tolerance of the athlete.