Oni's 05/06 Training

Wednesday 6/15/05 Active Recovery Session

Ok it started out like this, i went down to the track, warmed up, did my drills, and start my run. On my first 150m, after about 100m of it my glutes and hamstrings were ACHING. So i stopped immediately and decided to call it a day :smiley:

After i got home, i popped in some ZMA, just a little and took a nap.

Deciding that i have to do something, i went and play bball for nearly 2 hours. On a rebound, i jumped too high and when i land i nearly fell over because i couldn’t absorb the force. I feel like i need to do some shock training again soon :cool:

When i got home i still feel like i need to do something, so i went ahead and did some supplemental exercises. Some bicep curls and hammer curls :stuck_out_tongue: First time i did them since… sometime ago. After all that, i decided to call it a day.

P.S. How do people do power cleans by themself without spotters?? I workout by myself in my house and i’m afraid to up the weight :frowning:

6/16/05 Thursday Lower Body Session

Woke up in the morning, still sore from Monday’s lower body workout. Popped 2 BCAA caps, drank some protein and ate breakfast.

my glutes and hams are still sore, i must’ve given them a good beating :mad: So I decided to rest a little and do light workouts.

Started working out at around 4pm. Today’s session includes:

4x6 Front Squat Jumps @ 45lb (bar weight)

In each rep, weight was held at bottom or CJC point for 5 seconds of isometric contraction then explode upward with a jump. I used an extremely light weight because i don’t feel that i’ve recovered completely yet.

3x8 Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift @ 115lb

This was performed at an extremely fast pace. Again, the weight is light due to soreness in hamstring and glutes.

3x5 Depth Jump

I just had to do some sort of plyo before i end my day.

Tomorrow…I will do some tempo and upper body workout. This week has just been a mess. Next week will be better i promise :cool:

6/17/05 Friday Tempo Session

This morning I went to the hills and did some tempo runs. Jogged to the bottom of hill, did fartlek running on hills, then walk back down for recovery and jogged back home. It took approximately 35min to complete this session. Came home and took 500mg of Vit C and drank cytomax. Feeling grat, looking forward to upper body workout later on today.

6/17/05 Friday Upper Body Session

-5x5 Bench Press @ 145lb
-3x12 Snatch Grip Military Press @ 60lb
-3x12 Power Upright Row @ 65lb
-3x15 Rear Delt Raise @ 5lb each arm :stuck_out_tongue:

Everytime i perform an exercise, there would be an ab workout accompanying it in between sets of exercises. Ab workout ranges from ISO-Sit up holds w/ weights, crunches with weights, weighted trunk twist and etc.

6/19/05 Sunday Active Recovery Session

Today was the first sore-free day i had this week so i thought i’d do something to keep me active. At first i thought some supplemental exercises would help but then i remembered the curls i did earlier this week gave my arms a beating that i didn’t enjoy very much. So i went and did pull ups instead.

-5x5 Pull-Ups

3 sets of pull-ups
2 sets of chin-ups

Targeted both bicep and forearm at the same time.

6/20/05 Monday Speed Session

Woke up at around 8 in the morning and headed down to a dirt track at 9. Jogge a lap for warm up. did some drills, then began my sprint workout:

4x50m Strides
3x30m Acceleration

On the 50m runs, 2 sets were done on straights while the other two on curves. Recovery in between each run was between 3-5min depending on how i felt. The acceleration were done on a stationary stance rather than 3pt stance or crouch because i thought that might help me on getting a more consistent approach in long jump

Jogged another lap for cool down and static stretch after. I will begin my lower body weights/plyo session shortly.

6/20/05 Monday Lower Body Session

-5x5 Squat @ 185lb
-3x5 Power Clean @ 115lb
-3x6 Lunges @ 95lb

I feel that i didn’t need to do plyos since i already had speed session. But is that a good idea? Because i was thinking that i should leave plyos to days such as the speed endurance’s day.

Today felt relatively easy, i felt like i’m a lot stronger already. Well, definitey some improvement :cool:

Two questions, if I may!
Why the speed sessions so early in the day (morning)? Are there other commitments later on?

Also, why not doing the Power Clean before the Squat?

Well done on improvements! :wink:

HEy there Niko, i did the speed session early in the morning because it’s the only time where it isn’t too hot to train. If i were to wait till noon or later, it gets extremely hot where i am. So hot that i get dizzy so it might give me a problem. That’s why i did it early in the morning. And what do you mean by commitment? I’m not too sure about what you meant by that.

I did squat before power clean because…well there isn’t really a reason for it, it’s just a subconscious thing. But why do you think i should do power clean first? Educate me :slight_smile:

6/21/05 Tuesday Tempo Session

Went down to the track at around 10:30am today. Jogged a lap for warm up, did some static stretches, and began running:

  • 6x200m
    The times for each runs were:


Kinda looks like a ladder doesn’t it :cool:

My legs aren’t sore from yesterday :smiley: surprisingly. Probably because of the large dose of Vitamin C. Felt a little fatigue in hamstrings when i was running. But nothing bad. Upper body workout later today :smiley:

OK then, that’s fine with morning sessions!
By “other commitments” I was just wondering if other things apart from training need to be done during the rest of the day… Apparently this isn’t the (only) reason, so…

I would put the Power Clean first, yes, as it’s more technical and faster perhaps vs. the squat and better be done completely rested; try it and see how it goes…

Just suggesting things here! :wink:

I agree with you on that…I think if you are going to clean and squat on the same day, always do cleans first… More MU needed and takes a bit more out of you… I have tried it the other way around and found I couldn’t do as much and form was a bit off when I squatted or even benched first… Cleans always come first in the workout for me.

Alright nice, i learned something new :smiley:

6/21/05 Tuesday Upper Body Session

-10x3 Bench Press @ 150lb
-6x12 Military Press @ 55lb
-5x5 Pull Ups
-3x Sit-ups until failure

This workout took a really long time. But i’m surprise i pulled it off. The sit-ups were a pain, i had 1-2 min recovery in between each set. I was planning on having 5 sets, but after the 3rd 1, i could only do 6 reps before i failed so i decided to stop there :cool: Only 2nd week of training so far and i feel that i’m back in shape already :smiley:

I think i ran those 200m too fast today, i feel so tired and fatigued , and not enough core workout now that i think about it

Woke up this morning, head kinda dizzy. My legs are tight and hamstrings as sore as ever. My nose has been running ever since the morning too. Not a good day to run. I’ll find something else to do later on, probably a tempo exercise for lwoer body to enhance recovery.

I’m going on a vacation so won’t be updating this for a while. See you all in a couple of weeks.

Wow it’s been so long since i’ve been back here. So hows everyone doing?

Training has been going perfectly for me. Not only have i reduced my bf%, i’ve also increased my body mass. I’ve also achieved my training goal over the summer, which is to get a pair of functioning and trained hamstrings. My speed has also increased along with my vertical jump and standing long jump. The only downside is i haven’t been concentrating on my bench press and its still the same sadly =/ but thats not important.

So the other day i was down at the track. for 2-3 months, all my sprint workout had been acc dev. I decided to run a 100m to see how i feel (not timed) It’s not an all out effort but a relaxed one. Here’s what i noticed:

-I can definitely feel my hamstring in action for the first time ever. Great triple extension in action.

-Form felt natural, everything was in motion naturally, no forced actions.

-My arms mechanic were better now, whereas before they are just “all over the place” when i sprint.

Also, my strides are longer than before.

So that’s the result from my summer training. No time yet, i’ll get those pretty soon.


Good work, Oni!
Welcome back! :slight_smile:

Hey there, a lil update:

so i was playing bball with some friends the other day, and had the urge to time myself. Seeing as how im a lil fatigue after bball, i decided to time my 50m.

I came through at around 6.85 hand timed. Not bad considering it was a dirt track and no spikes.

Training begins tomorrow again.

I’m going to be using the CFTS template, it’s something like this if i remember correctly:

mon: speed/weights
tues: tempo
wed: speed/weights
thurs: tempo
fri: speed/weights
sat: tempo

correct me if im wrong, i’m too lazy to search it up on the ebook :stuck_out_tongue: