Oni's 05/06 Training

school days are the best days of your life. I look back now, i think what a laugh i had.

messing about, being crazy.

am a old man now, 19yerasold about to finish college.

keep up your training, the only thing stoping you from doing something is yourself.

Good luck in your training and competing. Fear no one but respect all!

Be inspired everyday

Thx for the kind words =]. You’re not old! Only 2 yeras older than me. By the way when i first looked at your avatar, i thought it’s someone in a starting position with a block. THen after a while i realized that it was an elephant loL!



5xOne-Legged Triple Jump
-Improving a lot on this

4x20m Frog Jump
-Horrible form grr

4x30m Bounding
-Got a question for you guys, when you do bounding, do you swing your arms like as if you’re running? Or do you swing both arm? I swing both arms, it feels more natural for me.

Now all i need to do is rest, take my FINALS, then real training starts. Here we go.

Natural it is!

Good luck with finals! :cool:


Nothing much lately. Took a 1 hour hike to the top of a hill today.


First day of finals today, i think i did good.

Went to play bball with friends after school, almost twisted my ankle :mad: But good thing i didn’t.

A silly question to those who are reading this but do you burn calories when you think? I seem to get hungry after a long test :rolleyes:

Only if you think waaaaay too much! :stuck_out_tongue:

Stay out of bball!


I like bball =], it’s kinda like a mini-plyo session…well sorta, except you have fun doing it! Not that regular plyos are not fun :rolleyes:

If the ankle-outcome had been different in the last game though, it wouldn’t have been fun at all!

That’s what I am saying; I can see you like Bball!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep i sure do, bballs what got me started with training.

I received my order of ZMA nightcap today =D, gonna try some tonight. SCHOOLS OVER. Training will start monday. It’s going to be alternating between two cycles at 2:1 , speed : SE. My upcoming week will be like this:

Monday: (speed)
-3x30m Stride, 4x40m Acc
-lower body weight

Tuesday: (tempo)
-Medicine Ball Drills
-Upper Body Workout

Wednesday: (SE)

Thursday: (tempo)
-Medicine Ball Drills
-Upper Body Workout

Friday: (speed)
-lower body weight

I would go with one of the Wed’s/Thu’s sessions, not both of them, or rather not in this order; if you want to do both of them (not sure about pace either), I would run one of them on Tue after the speed session with Tempo on Wed and another Speed/SE cycle on Thu/Fri perhaps and Tempo again on Sat. Not sure if this might too heavy for you and/or your other events…

Perhaps KitKat, PJ and others might want to comment on your schedule, too…

Good luck with full time training! :slight_smile:

The thursday session is only a tempo session. Like 75%< pace. But i’ll take your advice anyway and try moving them around :cool:

ZMA made me so thirsty last night,d oes that happen to anyone? I woke up extremely hungry too :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t see the Tempo in parentheses… :o

Stick to your programme, it’s fine!

Ok Niko :rolleyes: ,

I’m gonna go down to the track and run a time trial tomorrow, any idea what i should run? I was thinking 200 and 300.

Why did you choose these two?

Cuz they are my favorite runs :stuck_out_tongue: No reason behind it really. The 200m will tell me where i stand in the 200m and the 300m is just to see how fast i can run my 300m in a 400m race. But due to some issues, i was unable to do any of those :mad:

So it has been postponed till tomorrow, and i’d have to eliminate my speed session and do those runs instead. But i will still do plyos and weights after though.

Why not doing 2 x 60 m and 1 x 300 m?

Anyway, good luck with whatever is tested!


Monday 6/13 GPP Speed Session

I’ll have you know Niko… i didn’t run a time trial, my friend and i forgot the stopwatch :smiley: So i told myself to forget it, and do a time trial 6 weeks from now.

Anyway what happened today:

Woke up at 7:00 am, ate some wheat bread and drank some protein w/ milk (ouch, just realized maybe i should’ve drank it with water because its not a low fat milk)

biked to the track at 9:00am, nothing feels at home like a track :stuck_out_tongue: .

For warm up, I jogged a lap, did high knees, stiff legged, A-B Skips for drills, jogged another lap.

After that, rested a little, then proceeded to speed work:

3x30m Acceleration from 3 pt. stance
2x50m Stride

Then my friends challenged me to a 200m race, i was tired but i just had the urge to do it anyway,and so i did. It wasn’t time, but i’ll tell you how it went.

The first 100m, i accelerated for about 60m then i tried to keep the pace. Everything was well, until i hit the straight, about 120m so far. My entire body was fatigued, my hamstrings refused to pull forward, and my quad wont push, lactic was building up. So i tried my best to finish and ended up first anyway. But there was no glory in that, the challengers were swimmers and shot putters :stuck_out_tongue: . So that’s my race, looks like i need mroe work on SE.

After that i decided to skip the two plyo exercises that i have and do standing long jump, and standing triple jump instead. I did 4 of each. (just had to get sands in my shoe, good ol’ times)

Session ended at around 10:40am. Drank cytomax recovery drink, relaxed. Ate sandwich for lunch.

Mid-day session:

Ate some granola bar 30min prior to weight session, i was hungry. Then i hit the weights.

-5x5 Squat
-3x6 Power Clean
-3x6 Lunges

I gotta tell you, everything went well until the 3x6 Split Squat that i said i was going to do. I could barely hold myself in a split squat position with 95lb on my back :eek: (talk about some weak hammies, which i have) so i changed it to lunges knowing that no matter what i HAVE to work on them. The lunges were hard and painful, but i mustered all i got and did it anyway. One day i WILL be able to do GHRs.

Drank some protein and took BCAA caps after and i hit the shower.

That’s my day, looking forward to the ZMA at night.


Tuesday 6/14 GPP Tempo Session

Woke up late today, around 8:00am. Ate wheat and drank protein for breakfast. Watched some cartoon :stuck_out_tongue: . Got hooked to the tv and went late to the track at 9:30am. I jogged for about 1/2 mile before i realized that my track team is having a summer training, and they are also goign to be competing in all comers meet over the summer. I didn’t want to join them so i had to leave the track quickly before the coach sees me :smiley: . Now that i have no where else to run in, i decided to jog around a park, about 1/2 mile more. Then i biked to a hill and climbed it on my bike. That concludes my tempo session.

At 3:00pm, i started working upper body.

5x5 Bench Press
3x12 Military Press
3x15 Lateral Raise
3x6 Tricep Extension

Each exercises are coupled with an ab workout right after, varying from ISO sit-ups with weight, trunk twist, leg lifts, and speed crunches.

All i gotta say is i am TIRED. My glutes and hams are extremely sore from yesterday and so are my lats (i don’t know why but maybe its because of the heavy weights that i placed on my shoulder for squat yesterday)

9.77 by Asafa Powell :cool: I knew he was going to do it someday, but i just didn’t know it’s anytime so soon. He is by far AMAZING. The Jamaicans have been coming out with pretty good athletes lately, anyone know who Powell’s coach is?

I just hope Mo Greene can step it up and win back his title. Although it doesn’t look like it but i believe in hiM!


Woke up in the morning and my glutes and hams are still sore. I wonder if i should till do my SE session today.