Saturday, 8-21-10
Tempo: on grass/barefoot
2 x 5 x 100m, 30sec/2min
MB Circuit: 2 x 300
Iced, EMS, Self-massage+foam roll, Light Stretching, Epsom Salt bath, and DMSO+Ibuproffen on injury location.
Sunday, 8-22-10
I agree and yes I have less than 10 days left now. Frank says he’ll try to meet up with me next Sunday which will be 2 days before the tryout. My taper probably won’t be the way I want it to be because of this minor injury, but I’m hoping a small taper can keep me from being flat (at least a 5 day taper).
Right adductor/pectineus still isn’t 100% ready. I can now see a slightly dark bruise on it, it’s probably the exact same injury I had when I was overloading myself from the Plank Progression Series. I’m going to give the therapy a rest the next couple of days because I think I’m doing too much for it. I will probably still ice it just to eliminate any inflammtion.