off season strength loss

well, i kind of stoped weights for two three weeks, also eased off my speed work etc for the off season (first time actually)

and oh the horror! my times droped, from mid 26 for the 200m to 28! (yeah i know my times suck, but its my first year)

i went from squating 110kgr 4 reps to barely being able to squat 80 for six!

are these numbers normal or i just went two steps backwards?

Yes, “normal” in the sense that I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Your squat seems to have dropped quite a bit, but I imagine you will be able to regain what you lost faster than it took you to gain it the first time. The body tends to have a sort of memory.

Are the drop in numbers just based on one session? Maybe on top of the actual strength loss you were having a bad day. Regardless, what can you do besides get back to training hard, consistently, and intelligently again? Everyone has setbacks.

but I imagine you will be able to regain what you lost faster than it took you to gain it the first time.


Are the drop in numbers just based on one session?

no, here how it went. Finished the season, so in order to rest a bit, i was merely active for a week or two, meaning that i went to the gym and did some cirquits, did some tempos etc. I kind of gained some fat and remorce came hurrying also i didnt want to spend TO much time without any speed work, so one week i did a regular SPP work out, meaning max weights, speed workx2 and speed endurance. The numbers are from that week.

in any case, i just couldnt kept on going with max str and the volume of speed work i had, i was hurting all over.

anyway, im looking forward to gpp at 15 of augoust, hopefully i wont end up a fat blob that cant move:p

how much of your strength and speed do YOU people loose? also how much do you completely rest during summer?