NY: Gay v Bolt

For reference:

Michael Johnson 19.32
RT: 0.163s (round-up to 0.17s)
10m: 1.93s (1.76s)
20m: 3.02s (1.09s)
30m: 3.99s (0.97s)
40m: 4.90s (0.91s)
50m: 5.79s (0.89s)
60m: 6.66s (0.87s)
70m: 7.52s (0.86s)
80m: 8.39s (0.87s)
90m: 8.26s (0.87s)
100m: 10.14s (0.88s)
110m: 11.00s (0.86s)
120m: 11.86s (0.86s)
130m: 12.75s (0.89s)
140m: 13.66s (0.91s)
150m: 14.57s (0.91s)
160m: 15.50s (0.93s)
170m: 16.44s (0.94s)
180m: 17.40s (0.96s)
190m: 18.36s (0.96s)
200m: 19.32s (0.96s)

Bolt is 21. Lots of years left.

Bolt sets world record in 100 meters
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NEW YORK (AP) -Like a bolt out of nowhere, Usain Bolt is now the world’s fastest man.

The Jamaican runner, who doesn’t even consider the 100 meters his best race, set the world record Saturday night with a time of 9.72 seconds at the Reebok Grand Prix, .02 seconds faster than the old record held by his countryman, Asafa Powell.

Bolt was using the 100 for "speed work’’ and to avoid having to run the more grueling 400, when, suddenly, he ran the world’s second-fastest time last month at 9.76. Even then, he said he wasn’t sure if he would give up the 400 meters for the 100 for the Beijing Olympics.

Hard to imagine he has any choice now.

Unfurling his lanky frame - listed at 6-foot-4, but probably more like 6-5 and, either way, considered too tall for this kind of speed work - he created a big-time gap between himself and Tyson Gay at about the halfway point, then routed him to the finish line.

Gay, the best sprinter in America, finished in 9.85.

Within moments of crossing the finish line, the 21-year-old from Kingston was hoisting the Jamaican flag and a crowd with hundreds of Jamaican fans was going wild.

"Just coming here, knowing a lot of Jamaicans were here giving me their support, it meant a lot,’’ Bolt said. "I just wanted to give them what they wanted.’’

But who could have expected this?

Bolt has long been considered one of his country’s top, up-and-coming sprinters, but his height and running style seemed to make him much more fit for the 200 and 400.

Like so many who compete in the 100, Bolt had lots of work to do with his push out of the blocks. He doesn’t consider himself a true pro at that. And after a bad false start by the field - the second gun didn’t go off until the runners were 20 meters down the track - this simply didn’t seem like a night for world records.

But it was.

"He ran a perfect race,’’ Gay said. "I’ve got to take my hat off to him.’’

I had the distinct impression that Gay was very nervous at the WCs last year, and, if Asafa hadn’t made it easy, he might have cracked- but he got through it and that certainly helps for the future.
Drummond was up in Gay’s face by all accounts with a stupid visual start drill that Gay screwed up over and over (Starts are aural not visual!). Now will JD be kept farther away now that Gay’s coach is out or will he be scratching around the edges, seeing this loss as an opening?
Power plays are a sad fact of life at the top as we may be seeing with Asafa.

Drummond lol, isn’t he still on the ground complaining about his false start.

Listen up a few things here. The guy is going to download the Dr.Mario game on the Wii, its only ten dollars, not bad.

Ok we have to figure something out now. Who actually had the better performance. I’ll throw Ben in too.


A) Asafa Powell shutting it down @ 9.74
B) Ben Johnson shutting it down @ 9.79
C) Bolt @ 9.72 water-drenched track, but with a wind not shutting it down…

D) Any time off the Ato Boldon wind/altitude adjusted calculator


1.57rt?? Well, you could project a 9.70 off a good reaction already. Makes that barrier look awfully close doesn’t it??

By “stupid visual start drill,” I take it you mean the one where he tells you to get into a start position, and he drops a set of keys that you’re supposed to grab (with your hands). It’s even sillier when you consider that John Smith who used to coach JD tells people to go for power on the first step (a bit different philosophy than yours). It does appear that the Clown Prince did help improve Gay’s start last year, but everything I’ve heard is that Gay is hardly working with Drummond and all this year–just some work with his start.

Last year Gay ran 9.76w in the same meet, with a wind just over legal (this year was 1.7). so he’s actually not too far from where he was last year at this time.

What would you have done with Ben if, say, a Linford had emerged out of nowhere in early June? Even Bolt doesn’t know (or at least he isn’t saying which may be more the truth) if he’s even running the 100 in Beijing. If Gay’s plan is really to get into race shape close to the Olympics, it’s a bit late to be makeing a massive change to the plan, don’t you think?

I agree his start has gotten better. To be honest I would have expected him to be running 9.7 something by now.

Higher Res here:

Any video links to the race?

Thanks for re-posting the picture. No puddles wow!

Props to Bolt. Couple thoughts:
-Did Bolt run through the line?
-USA TV f’ing sucks (ESPN in this case). This is not the first time a premier 100m/60m event has not been showed as promised.
-The Jamaica contingent in the crowd was impressive. Those fans seem to be everywhere!

I imagine CBS will wait until the last race of their broadcast to show the race on Sunday.

This WR is good for Asafa, it takes the pressure off him now. Bolt has to be the overwhelming favourite for gold in Beijing.

The 4x100 was pretty impressive, running in the 40s for HS!

I saw that, yeah thats good. Another pic!


Yea takes the pressure off Asafa. Now he can see he’ll get 5th after Gatlin gets reinstated:D Sorry, couldn’t resist.

Interesting pre race interviews

wonder how this race changes things.

Post Race Interviews from USATF:

Usain Bolt - men’s 100 winner, World Record

I had the idea that I could run the WR. I did well running 9.9 and lower. I was pretty confident coming in here.

I wasn’t looking for a WR but it came to me today and I’ll take it.

I was glad for the first false start. My first start wasn’t that good. I knew if I got Tyson on the start I’d get him.

My coach said concentrate on the drive phase and that’s what I did. It doesn’t matter if I have the WR if I don’t have the Olympic gold medal.

Tyson Gay - men’s 100 runner-up

I knew that this track was fast and I thought that a 9.7 was possible.

The conditions were nice. The track was a little wet but the conditions were nice.

I was very comfortable in the blocks. 9.84 is my PR, 9.85 was my time today. I wasn’t supposed to be this fast yet, but its okay.

This is definitely great for the sport.

Obviously I have some work to do. Right now, its hats off to Bolt. Today was his day.

We were in the same rhythm but his stride pattern covered more ground.