Non-weights exercises for hip power

which non-weights related exercises would you suggest improve the generation of hip power? I need more drive from my hips


Plyos, like spilt jumps etc.

How about reverse hypers etc- look on the GPP download for them.

Would EMS applied to the glutes/hams/erectors improve power in this area?

Glut- hami raises, such as back extensions or russian hamstring.

Deep squats, lunges.

bw deep squat??

Ah non-weights exercises. I need to brush up on my reading skills.

Ok, I’ll ask. Why non-weights exercises?

Hanging leg raises are good for developing hip-flexor strength.

Hill sprints. Lunge, switch leg split jumps. SLJ.
Single leg jumps. Use your imagination. Don’t make this so complicated.


cheers guys,
good advice. I will keep this in mind to develop my programme

Isometric work,GHR.