Nice you tube

I saw this nice youtube about kids running track in Jamaica. I think its part of that documentary on why jamaicans run so fast.


Nice video. The 75F average temperature in the winter doesn’t hurt either.

Excellent find.

Discussion points:

  • Poor economic environments are more powerful catalysts to enhanced physical preparation versus the distractions inherent to powerful economies (ergo the electronic gaming industry in the US).
  • The low cost physical activities such as T&F sprints, jumps, throws, basketball, baseball, football (or what North American’s refer to as soccer), and so on are popular amongst low income populations. This is a result of necessity and the favorable alternative that physical activity/competition presents in relation to potential criminal behavior
  • So much can be attained with so very little (in terms of resources)
  • Lastly, note the successful baton exchange in the relay- too bad this video wasn’t available for analysis prior to the lineage of failed attempts in this regard by the guilty US teams of past

The US guys don’t have good baton exchanging because they never work with each other since there are dozens of qualified guys who all want to be individuals (while until last year Jamaica never had more than 1 legitimate shot at a medal) and teams are thrown together last minute. Look at the NCAA–there is some fantastic work done there relay wise and, if you consider the relay time versus open times, some of the best results period for the relays.

One thing I never understood about the whole socioeconomic argument is why we don’t exactly see great athletes (on average) coming out of China, India, Mexico, and the majority of Central and South America? Brazil and a couple other countries are great at soccer, but beyond that… we don’t see a whole lot.

On the other hand, a place like Japan does quite a bit with very little in a variety of sports and activities. They also have quite a high standard of living. The same could be said for a variety of Scandinavian countries.

That isn’t to say the argument and things aren’t worth considering or that there isn’t some validity, but it doesn’t seem so clear since, on the whole, it seems to not work very well at all.

I know. I opted against resisting the urge to interject sarcasm.

Sorry James, I didn’t mean to sound condescending, but I realize I did. I just mean that a lot of people seem to misdiagnose the problems the US has. We put together numerous 38low teams each year just by having the same guys pass the baton around a few guys then barely run any faster when we put on 4 guys who are .2-.3 faster per athlete.

It’s a function of the sports popularity amongst the countrymen.

Weightlifting is a great example when you consider the multitude of world champions who hail from the tiniest of countries; yet the popularity of weightlifting within those countries is enormous.

Sprinting to Jamaica is analogous to:

  • weightlifting in Bulgaria, Iran, Greece, etcetera

Alternatively, yet likewise, in the enormous populations of America, Brazil, China, Russia, and so on we also see the results of what is popular while also observing success in less popular disciplines simply as a result of either the size of the gene pool or the emphasis that is placed on the competition in those disciplines by the communist, and former communist, regimes.

No worries. I’ve long since asserted that the one thing the US leads the globe in, regarding sport, is a plethora of talent.

I totally agree with this. I see it here at the local track meets all the time. These kids come from the Boroughs (Brooklyn Bronx Queens)and are just so happy to be out of their environment and have some space to run around and to top it off they are praised and get medals and ribbons. They love it. I can see why these kids do so well.
It’s just like my country Dominican Republic with baseball. Ever wonder why such a small country produces so many top notch baseball players? Besides the fact that the a good amount of MLB teams have “sport schools”, it’s the amount of support that the sport gets from the public and the fact that sport can be a way out of a hard life and I mean HARD!!!

Just to add-TF is a great way to promote healthy habits in these kids. I’ve seen kids who were raised on Micky D’s and chips and a year later they are talking about eating healthy and taking care of their bodies. I think that’s just great…

So true. That’s why I like this site. Some CF’s stuff is Low tech (hill/med ball/a barbell) and VERY HIGH CONCEPT!!!

I guess they start them early on relay training. Jamaicans take great pride in the relays… I remember the first time I went to Penn Relays :slight_smile: What a Ruckus (in a good way)

I really like the video and the music behind it. James I could’nt agree with you more on everything you said.