Need - Weights Graph 2 & Speed Work Week 5

My computer(s) for some reason won’t read the GPP graph downloads correctly. :frowning: And Rupey can’t help.

Just wondering if someone would be able to post a screen capture of;

  1. Weights Graph 2

  2. Speed Work Week 5

Just open it in Adobe, then press Print Screen, go to your ‘Paint’ application and Edit-Paste.

Seeing as this section of the forum is only available to people who own the GPP DVD anyway, shouldn’t be a problem.

If someone could help out I would be most grateful. :slight_smile:

Hey Man,
We got the same problem. Can anyone help?
It would be really appreciated.

Wu Gong Heng

what is the time stamp for the weights graph? I can’t seem to find it on the DVD. Thanks.

Speed Work WEEK 5

Weights graph 2 is simply the reverse of graph 1, with no change to exercises.

Speed week 5 is;

6x10 flat on ground
6x10 push up pos
6x20 high start
1x4x20 efe
1x50 high start acc 20/30maintain

the rest in speed work are?

Full recovery. As long as it takes upto 15min for efe at the highest levels.

You probably wouldn’t need more than 7min for an E, F, E but might possibly need as much as 15 for an F, E, F at the highest level.


Can you or Rupert repost the graphs? I cannot find them anywhere.

E F E? what mean?


what is the difference between flat on ground
push up pos?

Flat means lying right down on the ground with your hands beside your face. Push up position is with your arms extended to the top of the push up position, with the body straight and one foot brought part way forward. You will see these demonstrated on the GPP Download.

thanks for the answer…I have the download but I have missed this little point.

duplicate post

I think I’ve got this but let me make sure. In the first four weeks of the GPP, the speed work in the graphs would be performed mon, wed, fri, and saturday, and all four days is the same hill workout? With 5, 6, and 7 transition into speed work?

I dont recall you asking me, but describe the issue that you are having. If i’m getting this right, you can see some but not all of the graphs?
