Hey guys,
I’m trying to get in shape for intramural soccer coming up this sqpring (I’m just a recreation athlete) and I’ve created a program that follows along the CFTS structure. A little bit about me… I weigh 215 lbs total with 20% bodyfat and 171 lbs of lean muscle mass. My maxxes: wide-stance squat - 315, olympic squat - 255, bench - 215, cleans - 115 (lb) & deadlift - 335.
Anyway, I’ve just started following this format:
Day 1 - CNS Intensive Day
Warm-Up - (jogging 800m, light stretching, calisthenics)
Sprints - 6x30m, 5x60m, 4x90m (instead of full recovery between sprints, i walk the length i just sprinted and then immediately start sprinting again)
Weights (upper body)
supersets bench (8x3 reph scheme where i increase the weight by 10 lb every 2 sets) with db rows (also 8x3)
Cuban Rotation 3x5
Laying Palms-Up Lat Raise 3x5
Cool-down - static stretching involving hams, quads, abductors, adductors, lower & upper back, and obliques
Day 2 - Tempo
set 1: 100+100+100 (+ means walking 50 meters & 100 meter walk in between sets)
set 2: 100+200+100+100
set 3: 100+100+200+200
set 4: 100+200+100+100
set 5: 100+100+100
Day 3 - Rest (20 min efx)
Day 4 - CNS Intensive Day
Weights (lower body)
olympic squat supersetted with db hyperextension
db decline sit-ups
db oblique twists
Day 5 - Tempo
Day 6 - Speed Endurance
Day 7 - Rest
I also want to know about my diet. On non-weightlifting days (except speed endurance), I cassume 2096 calories with 36 grams of fat, 194 grams of carbs, and 267 grams of protein. On weightlifting days & speed endurance, I consume 2572 calories, 54 grams of fat, 259 grams of carbohydrates, and 286 grams of protein. Keep in mind that I weight 215 with 171 lbs of lean muscle mass.
So what do you think guys? Does this look good? Should I be eating more or less?