nba drafting

i played against a mcdonalds all american before i cant remember name but he had all the credentials when i checked up on him he was real good and it was like a 20 year old playing against 1st graders

This is great.

In the past, it appears as if right when you come up with a plan, you read a new post and then decide to rewrite or modify your existing plan based upon what you have just learned.

This is easy to do on this type of forum wherein many bright minds have possitive contributions.

You must learn, however, to stay the course. In order for your body to positively adapt to a training stimulus and accordingly reap the rewards of delayed training effect, the training stimulus must be presented for an adequate amount of time.

Program and Organize a structured and systematic training program and stay the course.

I agree with james. That’s why when you post a new program I always ask you what was wrong with the first one.

Hey champ,

It’s hard for us to really know what kind of game you have from words. So some will be doubters and others will encourage. (Great post, velocegatto.)

So all I’ll say is I’m shooting 500-1000 free throws per day + other shooting + pickup games. (Plus weights of course)

And I’m still not shooting as consistently as I’d like. But I’m just trying to show you the dedication some will have. Will it pay off for me? Maybe, maybe not. I got a late start as they say. Even if I don’t make it, there’s someone out there doing the same thing as me with a little more natural talent whose starting at a younger age.

And then he’s reading Paul Chek and Mel Siff to top it off :slight_smile:

Read “Stuff good players should know” by Dick DeVenzio

And by all means stick with one exercise program for at least a few weeks before trying something else. You’re lucky in that you have a little more time than I do to try different routines.

There are opportunities to play walk on ball in college to get your foot in the door but being recruited and knowing you have a spot would be nice for you. The NBA is possible if you live basketball but sometimes injuries are the wildcards even when you have the heart, the spirit, and the dedication. The good thing is that playing pro ball in Europe is definitely a possibility if you play college ball and work at it.

Take care and keep shooting,

Erik Lukas

Amazon apparently only lists one copy of that book for $104. Whoops. Here’s where I bought it from for $20.

Lukas, definately Devenzio. Kobe, try to get all of Devenzio’s books, I have like 4 and I went to one of his point guard camps in Michigan. I would recommend going to one of his point guard camps, actually two or three if you can. Here is something that hasn’t been covered! How do you get poeple to know about you, scouts, coaches, whatever. Well if you are a phenom it comes easy, however you at being a junior will need to work at it. SO here’s what you do:

  1. Get your mom, dad, friend or dog to tape at least 5-7 of your games.

  2. Hire someone to edit the highlights of those 5-7 games, and then include a full-length version of one of the games after the highlights and put it on a tape. Make about 20 copies of this tape. The tape should be about 20 min-30min of initial goodstuff, if they can’t see your worth following up on in the first 5 minutes of the tape it will get trashed.

  3. Send the tapes to your top 20 college picks, and try to pick modest colleges. Get the head coaches name of each basketball team and send it to the basketball offices doorstep. The less work they do to get the tape, the better chances they will view the whole thing. (Don’t send to colleges like Duke, they are already recruiting rosters 2 years ahead of time and they have the pick of the BEST players in the country, if you had a chance to play there as of now you would have already been on Dukes campus). SO, it’s ok to pick D1 schools, just be modest at the level you can play. Also, have a superbrief letter enclosed with the tape stating your stats, vertical, height, weight, position played, any agility testing results, your head coaches name and contact info and highschool name.

  4. Attend 5-10 camps between now and college. The good thing about attending the camps is you will get to meet both premier players and coaches who can give you a better assesment of your talent. You should be able to hit 2 camps on a summer break and check to see if any camps are run on Christmas break. AKA Adidas ABCD camps, DIck Devenzio camps, try to attend as many different camps as possible (don;t go to the same camp 10 times in a row).

Your preperation for college should involve visit some major city playgrounds and college campus’ to scrimmage and to play against the players there. You need to be playing against colege level talent before you get into 12th grade if you want to go far. An example of this is Stephon Marbury, when he was in eight grade he was on his high school varsity team! He was getting letters (illegally)from major D1 schools by 9th grade. So get your toosh in gear you are 3 years behind…lol. Hope this helps bro, Jay

yeah, thanks but alot of times little things piss me off, like sometimes i worry about the same pressure being on the same leg when i do squats, because sometimes i feel it more in my left, just a bit, but i dont know the last time i did it, i did full squats and felt it about the same in both legs but i worrya lot about these things. (even though sometimes its nothing to worry about because im doing it correctly)

ps-sometimes the bar on squats is leaning more to one side but i try to fix it

:confused: :mad: !!!

Hey man, im in the same boat. Im going over to europe to play semi pro ball in about A years time. Im 20, 6 foot 1 and weigh about 78 kilos. I got a 83cm vertical with no steps, and about 100 cm on the run. Get your bench press up, squat up and work like hell on your game. I pretty much work out every morning for about 2 hours on my shotting and stuff and do weigth work at nigth. It can be done… Just remember that mario elie was a 27 year old nba rookie, you just gotta have the postitive mental attitude, stick to a routine and be consisitent. You are gonna have to be an extreme basketball fundamentalist, as all nba players are masters of the fundamentals.

It will be what you do in your own time that determines how far you go in b-ball.

Feel free to ask any questions???

I do heaps of drills individually, i no a fair bit about b-ball conditioning and the like.

ya kool, its just that past few eeks i havent parctices muched because i have school then bball practice then i come home and have some hw, but u know i still try to weight train at night and im almost dunkin off a lob. but yo my problem is that im too paranoid about stuff, like sometimes my friends tell me im doin squats right but i still worry and stuff…i need help there, even though like on romanian deadlifts also my friend says its right and i still worry even though i feel it in my hams than in my lower back(where its not supposed to be felt much)

Hey, what’s the worst that will happen if you don’t make it, you could then take what you have learned so far and help develop other players to go to the league. I used to have serious football dreams, but in a running offense there is no college love to the acrobatic receiver who gets thrown to twice a game. Now I enjoy developing athletes and helping them reach their dreams. Just keep working hard, kid.

this is sorta off topic but how hard do u guys think it would be to make a decent living playing basketball in the usa, europe, australia etc

Don’t really matter. If u only make jv sophomore year, u better drop 30 a game junior and senior year and do mad nice in college. Otherwise, well… :o

I know a guy that I do some program design for that plays pro ball in Mexico and makes about 40K for about 5-6 months of work. Not a bad living.

i got a question. when i start to play sombody one on one i just get drained realy fast and i stay that way till we take a brake. but after the brake i can go for hours. does this mean i need to work on my indurence or do u just need to go harder worming up?

and Peterf1 how do u get seen by the league over seas? im 16 right now but hopfuly ile go to the NBA and if not i would like to go over seas.

i know im gonna have to work hard