nba drafting

hey if i wanna make it to the nba, and i know its early, im only in the 10th grade, but do i have to get recruited to college from high school to have a chance? or like if i get into a good college i can then try out for there team and possibly get drafted in the nba draft?

i am not trying to crush any hopes or anything, but if they dont already know about you, its likely you will have to perform big in college to even have a shot.

how will they know about me?

If you have nba potential and in the 10th grade, the scouts would already most likely know about you and be going to your games…


Less than one in 35, or approximately 2.9 percent, of high school senior boys playing interscholastic basketball will go on to play men’s basketball at a NCAA member institution.
Less than one in 75, or approximately 1.3 percent, of NCAA male senior basketball players will get drafted by a National Basketball Association (NBA) team.
Approximately three in 10,000, or approximately 0.03 percent of high school senior boys playing interscholastic basketball will eventually be drafted by an NBA team.

And if they don’t know about you by now, if you’re not a star player as a sophomore, you’re 99.9% not going to make the NBA. Yes, I know, in your city there are people better than some of the scrubs playing backup PG, but there are hundreds of others around the world who also are, and the NBA has politics and luck involved.

man, but this is my dream, its my life. what if i do real good this year, im trying out for the jv or varsity team…

i mean i still got 3 seasons to show what i got, i kow by 11th grade scouts will know about me…

i mean i still got 3 seasons to show what i got, i know by 11th grade scouts will know about me…

exactly what i was trying to say. if your not already being recruited chances are its not going to happen, fbut hey work your ass off and see what you can do.

Go for it but don’t neglect your school work.
Even if you don’t make the NBA you can still play pro ball, there are decent leagues around the world. I know guys from the Australian league have been spotted there and gone for NBA trials.

like what if i play for a europian league then i can get drafted or something like that?

Don’t put the cart before the horse. What you MUST do, starting yesterday, is bust your ass and be the absolute best player that you can be. And let the rest fall into play.

At your current height, until/if you grow taller, you will have to be an outstanding point guard. This means you must be the best athlete you can be while continuing to perfect your skill/shooting, etc.

Aside from skill, you must possess speed, agility, conditioning, strength, power, jumping ability. You have plenty of information available on this site for developing all of those athletic qualities. Developing your knowledge of performance development will give you a great advantage over your highschool competitiors.

thanks, so its ok to do all that in a program? like speed and conditioning and everything

Kobe Jr,

jman316 hit it on the head.

You’ve spent the better part of a Saturday on the web, and have posted here 93 times since last month. If its really your life and dream, get your butt out on the court and quit worrying about your calf size etc. Iverson’s your size and a buck fifty, what do you think he was doing on a Saturday afternoon in the 10th grade?


well i do play ball everyday, am i supposed to play every hour?? :confused:

Yes. There’s always someone working harder than you.

so every minute of ever hour of every day i should be playing?

No sit on your computer and keep dreaming

harsh words…that reminds me i need to go run

I would reccomend you read some books on Michael Jordan, he has a legendary work ethic. In high school I read that he was in the gym every chance he got working on his game, along with hitting the weights a lot. He was extremely driven from what I heard, he used to enjoy ‘climbing the ladder’ which was his metaphor for constantly getting better and elevating his abilities. That’s why he apparently went to baseball, because he felt he had gotten to the top of the NBA, and he needed a new challenge. The point is not that you should be on the floor every minute of every day, but that you should be on it a lot.