nba drafting

thats funny cause my mother says i am obsessed with track i work on my technique in my head while i’m in the football huddle…or at football practice…or when the teacher wont stop talking actually i just figured out i’m always thinking about my form or technique when i’m not working on it plus i know the my biggest competition from every school in a 3 county radius i usually know there names prs last meet raced at and least favorite event…thats not obsession is it?

If you want to play basketball in the NBA, you better be able to do 3 things

  1. Be able to hit 75/100 3 pointers from anywhere on the ring

  2. Play streetball in the nearest big city so you can get used to more athletic older, craftier players. If those stats are correct about the one in 10,000 going to the NBA not only does it mean your chances of going there being so slim, but unless you play against some nasty players, no one youve EVER played against (even those who have beat you) have a shot at going either! Play as many very good players as possible.

  3. Be able to play at least 2 positions on the floor excellent. This means averaging double doubles. If you look at the early careers of most NBA players, even in middle school their teams dominated most seasons, I mean, like rarely lost a game!

Just my opinion, but follow your dreams, they will always take you where you are suppost to go, now get your arse down to the playground…lol

Kobe J.

i’m sorry i didn’t mean to be rude,

but was just trying to make a point. I’m a has been. I train amateur boxers and use to compete in my younger days (i’m 45), but was never real serious and regret that now. The thing of it is, alot of the advice on boards such as this one is very useful for someone who is 95% of where they want to be and can get them that extra 5% if its applied right. But the first 95% has to come from your heart, cause if it does, ain’t no one gonna stop you no matter how many websites they been on. Don’t sweat the little stuff, like your calfs, or how much you bench compared to so and so, or do you have the right plyo shoes etc. etc. etc. I’ll bet if you walked up to AI today and asked him what he thought of plyos, he say " let me hear their CD".

Should you be playing every minute???

well alot of the pro’s did growing up, or almost. I think you know what i mean. One thing i know from boxing, and i’m sure it applys to basketball, is to play as much as you can, and to always be lookin to play against guyz that are older than you, better than you and meaner than you and to not back down. Again, since you said you 6 foot, i use Iverson as an example, i’ll bet in the 10th grade, he went out of his way lookin for games against seniors or college kids.

i wish you good luck, and i mean that.

one more piece of advice, instead of spending what little free time you have away from the court posting 93 times on a website in a month, chase a few girls, its great for the cardio. And damn it pass your classes.


thank you all, but all you think i never play or something. Well today i woke up at 7:30 went to the park and played for like an hour…went home ate, went to the bball gym and played for about 2-3 hours. then today at night around 7:30 there is a nearby court here (its about 9.5) i went and did some moves and dunked around a bit. i didnt hit the weights today because today was my off day, its sunday. And today was BS on how many hours i play i usually go play more than that. But u know, there arent alot of seniors in my school that are really dedicated, if i were to go play against some real good ones, i would have to go about 20 mins from me everyday, so i cant do that occasionally. I played freshmen ball, i picked freshmen over JV or varsity because i needed the experience first at freshmen. I got the offensive player of the year, and i was in the newspaper a lot of times as the high scorer so i hope i got some recognition out of that.

and ya i would do anything to make it to the NBA, and this year im trying out for the varsity team even though theres like already 5 real good players on the team, im gonna try to make the coach believe im better than all of them.

I know people are tryin to give you a reality check, and I have given you tough love at times. You seem to sweat the small stuff, ie. your first strength program was good, quit tinkerin with it and train. But keep your head up, train hard and smart.

Most of all- Follow your dreams.

It’s OK to want to play in the NBA.

Yeah, it’s like winnin the lotto, but I spend a buck on a quick pick every now and then.

What you need to do is look at the big goal, and set smaller more attainable goals along the way. And never, NEVER listen to someone who say’s you can’t do it. If you do then you’ve already lost.

ya i would love to go back to the first program i designed…but i wasnt working upper body much with that program, so Dru on TNT athletics told me to do day 1 lower day 2 upper then day 3 rest than repeat, and he said my cns wont fry if i get the right nutrition and sleep really well, so what yall think and please dont bash me

The original program was good. you need to stick with it. It’s not how much you can do. or who can do more. start basic and build from there.

well i just dont feel im working out enough, i know the less is more, quality over quantity but how does this look? just a sample one i just made just to give u an idea of what i wanna do, plus im not really a beginner ive been lifting for like 4 months


Lower Body

Jump Squats


Upper Body

Bench Press
Front dumbell raises
Lateral dumbell raises
Tricep extensions
Lateral Pull Down




Lower Body

Paused Jump squat
Step ups
Romanian deadlifts


Upper body

Incline Bench
Skull crushers
Pull Ups
Dumbell bench press
lateral pull down with different grip

or since i was feeling i wasnt getting enough upper body work, how does this look?

monday lower body high intensity

tuesday low intensity

wednesday high intensity upper body

thursday low intensity

friday lower body high intensity


plus if i do the routine (the post above this one) ill get more rest on my legs and only 2 days a week on legs which is a good thing i guess since less is more. so …thoughts?

Kobeflight, the best advice I can give you is to DECIDE on a weight program that is suitable, and go from there. There is no perfect program and constantly second guessing about it will only hold you back. Sure some things work better than others, and you will learn as you go what works best for you. But, the main thing is to just work your ass off. Read up on Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, etc. Their work ethics were off the charts. I read somewhere that Michael Jordan said that he practiced so hard that the actual game would be easy. One more thing, focus on the FUNDAMENTALS of the game. For example, the mid-range jumper, it’s becoming a lost art but being able to hit it consistently will do wonders for your game. Master the fundamentals, become stronger and more explosive, and do the best you can.

I don’t want to discourage you. Couple of things:

  1. Too many kids think they’ll make the league and neglect their studies…Do NOT
  2. Getting to the NBA is damn near impossible, but I don’t think it’d be that hard to get a college scholarship if you work your ass off and don’t have bad genetics
  3. Listen to the people here and stop messing with the lifting.
  4. Focus on fundamentals. Sometimes it’s more productive working by yourself.
  5. Develop a good relationship with the coach

Well today i woke up at 7:30 went to the park and played for like an hour…went home ate, went to the bball gym and played for about 2-3 hours. then today at night around 7:30 there is a nearby court here (its about 9.5) i went and did some moves and dunked around a bit.

One hour of focused practice is better then 5 + hours of half assed effort and 5+ hours of focused practice is overkill. More is not necessarily better but better is better. Make your basketball time productive. You have to be your toughest coach. If you’re not gonna improve in some aspect when you step on the court then go home. If you want to learn a new move then drill it, drill it, drill it, in practice on your own, then go home and visualize it, then take it in a game and implement it. - Do the same thing for every aspect of your game. This is what guys like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant and others with the same personality type love…practice, implementation, and mastery…in this sense this explains why they weren’t team players (at heart) but artists.

I suggest 2 sessions per day 3-5 days per week. One should be a technical session where you work on your skills from a written plan…in other words just showing up and shooting around half assed ain’t gonna cut it…each morning you should have a plan of exactly what drills you are going to work on…ball handling, footwork, one on one moves, post moves, shooting…it is easy enough to find plenty of drills to do on the internet and I guarantee you that you can increase your all around skills better then 99% if you work at it because few do…and then another session should be a functional session where you implement those skills into a game. If you find your on court progress is not as productive as you like then cut back on your physical practice and increase your mental rehearsal because it is just as effective at helping you learn the actual skills and will give your body a break.

Unless you’re born with good physical qualities then you can’t skimp on the extra training (weights, etc.) either.

Kobe, by all means follow your dreams. With the right attitude anything is possible. But do your research. Heres a story for you. In ninth grade I was the most unathletic white boy you could imagine. My mom never let me play sports, never, because I was so accident prone and we couldn’t afford a hospital bill. Not to mention we couldn’t afford a car so I had no way to make it to any types of sports practices or even park games (I lived in Florida and its really spread out there). AT the age of 15 a bodyweight of 155 and a hight of 5’9" I promised myself I would dunk, at this point barely touching the net.

Within the next year I grew to 5’10" my bodyweight went to 160lbs and I could dunk a tennis ball. The next year (junior), I was 6’0" 165lbs. and I could dunk two handed reverse in dunk competitions. My vert was at 34.5 inches and of a run jump with two feet I could get 3" over the top of the box on the backboard. That year I had more goal tends than anyone in our conference and I did my first dunk on someone during a game. I replayed that moment in my mind so many times I had a headache for 3 days.

To make a long story short, I accomplished my goals better than I would have ever imagined. How? I studied every vertical jump program on the market, I tried all the gimmicks. I was reading Paul Check literature before anyone knew about him. I was doing psychological programming and listening to subliminal positive self talk on tapes. I was doing it all while my highschool friends were out drinking. And when in 9th grade I told them I would dunk, they scoffed at me. But when I dunked on my varsity starting foreward during a church league game, I held on to the rim for 10 seconds laughing (no joke I swear). My vertical is now 36.5 inches and I can do 180* dunks, all because of a fire and urge that was in me. Some people pursue the fire in different ways, their job, their school, their athletics. their family…

So, in all a long post with a triumph. If something is in your heart you need to pursue it. It will be the pursuit of it that brings you joy. Do not gauge your enjoyement based on what others think. Base your enjoyment on what you love, and go at it full steam ahead…

I didn’t start to be recruited until 11th grade, then again im 6’9" and I might be on scholarship by this winter if not by next year, or I can stay in Canada and play at a really good basketball school. I was uncoordinated, slow and could barely touch rim at 14, now at 17 i can windmill, and I’m skinny as hell with below average structural and funcitonal strength. It takes so much work you dont even understand, I played possible future NBA players this weekend, at least according to, and these guys were point guards at 6’7", dunking like madmen, at 15 years old. Believe me to be a top 20 prospect which can get you to the league, you’ll have to be the best player on varsity as a junior no matter what, unless you’re at Oak Hill or something like that. You know by 11th grade if ur D1 material or not, the letters give you an idea, so do other coaches and reporters/scouts. I dont wanna step on the dreams, but to say you’ll work hard every day and to do it are 2 very different things, I’ll admit it, until i tore my shoulder I was the same thing, I got away with it thought with my height, then i worked hard n now im still trying to get somewhere. You just have to do it now its as simple as that. Every moment you don’t play, hundreds of others are becoming better players as we speak.

you guys are right, today i went to train and when i came home from the gym i thought about it and i made a plan im gonna do every day focusing on every aspect of my game, hows it look and u think i should add any affective drills?


-Shoot 100+ in game jumpers all around the court

-Do a move and shoot a jumpshot or a layup, make sure it’s in game tempo, Do about 50+

-Practice on like 5 moves each day and try to perfect it, do it until you get it down, then practice it like your in a game

-3 Points: Shoot 3 pointers in the standard style i.e. Corner, Wing, Top, Wing, and Corner.:
30 shots…6 from each spot.

Elbow, Elbow, Baseline, Baseline: Shoot off the dribble on one elbow, then off the dribble the next elbow, then the baseline, then the other baseline. This completes one rep.:
5 Reps

-Shoot off the dribble jump shots, 25 going to your right and 25 going to your left

-Layups, 10 reverse each hand, and 10 finger rolls each hand

-Shoot 50 free throws

Dribbling and Ball Handling

-Between the legs-Just crossover dribble under one leg at a time 50x each leg each hand

-Dribble with eyes closed up and down the court and keep low and keep switching hands

-Dribble with tennis ball for about 10 minutes.

-Guarded Dribble-turn your body towards an imaginary defender and keep your guard hand up 50x each hand

-Behind the back-stationary: Stand still and dribble the ball hard behind your back 50x each direction

-Practice in and out dribble 30x each hand

-Practice Speed dribble 5-10 times up and down the court

-Pound or slap the ball hard from hand to hand. 2 minutes
-Crab walk-5 times up and down the court
-V Dribble- side: Dribble to the side of your body with that same side hand…push the ball forward, pull it back…it makes a V in the way that the ball bounces. 50x each side

-V Dribble-Front: Like the V Dribble to the side except do it in the front, pulling right pushing left (for the right hand), and pulling left pushing right(for the left hand) 50x each hand

-Tip ball back and forth with your fingertips with ur arms stretched out in front of you. 1 minute


-Defensive slides up and down the court 5-10 times

-Get down in defensive position, and tap your feet real hard and fast do for about 20-30 seconds, increase by 5-10 sec every week

-Defensive slides with changing direction each like 2-3 seconds

-Get down in defensive position and hold for a minute. increase by 30 seconds every week


Go to a wall and put a piece of tape about chest height, this is your target

-Do chest, over the head, and bounce passes 30 times each

-Run at full speed, jump stop about 15 feet away from the tape and make a chest pass or a bounce pass. 15x each

-Around the back bounce: Stand about 5 feet from the wall, facing the wall. Throw around the back bounce passes against the wall, continuously. EX: Left hand around the back bounce against the wall, catch with the right hand and go into the around the back bounce…Both right and left equal one rep. 40 reps

-Chest passes: Use a wall approx. 25ft for this. Stand about 5 feet from the wall and throw hard fast chest passes as you slide your feet…all the way down the wall. All the way along the wall and back equals one rep. 5 reps

-Over the head: Same as above only throw over the head passes. 5 reps

-Bounce passes: Same as above but with bounce passes. 5 reps


-Throw up a shot and box out an imaginary defender and if ball is near you get the rebound, if not let your imaginary teammates get it since its closer to them, dont leave ur man.


-Practice the jump stop, run full speed from one end of the court to the other and at then end do a jump stop 10x

-Practice jab step, and head, shoulder, ball and eye fake, 20x each

At the end of every practice, play one on me, which is where i play myself, if i take the shot and miss its 2 points for the imaginary guy, if i make it its 1 point for me, first one to 21 wins.

Lost of good advice in here. Another thing to add is be a killer on the court! As Jordan called it be an ‘assassin’. When I play I take everything personal! When I play my goal is to shut my man down.

Learn to play defence! This is becoming a lost art! When waiting to play (or watching games on TV) watch whats happening on the court. Study moves, is the man right handed or left handed? What hand does he like to drive with? What hand does he put the ball in before he shots? What his favorite thing to do?

One mistake a lot of guys do is try and take the ball off a guy with handles, that just leads to fouls, instead just stay in front of him, and don’t let them drive.

Keep your hands up, never give a shooter space. One hand in the face the other follows the ball. If you know a pick is coming stick the elbow out hard, it’ll make that player think twice about setting a pick on you.

When you start to tire stop playing! You’ll get sloppy. When you get sloppy your hands will start to lower. You’ll give your man confidence, you’re goal should be to embrass him, so the next time you play he doesn’t want you to guard him.

I’ve turned many shoters and slashers into passers.

Defence gets you respect and changes the mentality of the player across from you. It all about the hustle!

Your plan for shooting looks good, but I personally don’t think you can ‘practise’ defence. I’ve never practised it, I think you have to play it!

dude yesterday i started the program i mgonna do for 8 weeks and i squatted the most ive ever done which was 175 and i think i can go more. today i was sore and i grabbed a 10"2 inch rim which i had trouble touching in the past

you’ll need to be the most athletic guy around if you want a lick at college ball, especially at your height, more desire and perfect training are so critical, but its also in the court like said before, having the instinct, its what seperates the great from the rest.