My Sprint Training Journal + WS4SB

Tuesday 4/21/09:
Iced Coffee for .50 cents at Dunkin Donuts today!! You know it!! I drank one on my way to the gym!!!

15x30s sprint, 30s jog @10mph @8-11 incline

Stability Ball Crunches 3x20
–Stability Ball Jackknife 3x18,12,15 (not as easy as it seems, lose balance)

15x30s sprint, 30s jog @10mph (highest the manual treadmills go) @8-12 incline

Notes: Man…I WAS FLYING!!! LITERALLY!! That coffee got me going!! 10mph FELT SO SLOW!!! I WAS FLYING!!! I WASN’T TIRED AFTER THE FIRST ROUND…I did my abs and did a 2nd round and, THAT FELT EVEN BETTER!!! And then, I come home…Im all dead now lol…What a great workout!! Not bad to have a 16oz iced coffee for 50 cents…wish it was everyday =(…Ill take burning 1000 calories in a workout anyday.

Wednesday 4/22/09:
Alternate Grip Pullups 4x6

15x30s sprint, 30s jog

Alt. Grip Pullups 2x10
Roman Chair V Ups x 15
Flat Bench Press 1x12 (@95 lbs, first 6 reps were negative 8 counts, and the next 6 were fast)
Flat Bench Press 1x1 @ 165 no spots clean

10x30s sprint, 30s jog

Notes: Was really a laid back day…burned off calories and whatnot…rehearsals are going great…one week until the curtains open up…Im excited for the play to start already man!!

Thursday 4/23/09:
DB Split Squats
2x10 (left)
2x10 (right)
40 lbs then 45 lbs

Incline DB Press 4x12,12,12,5 (@55lbs)

Single Leg DL
2x10 (right)
2x10 (left)
30lbs and 35lbs

Chest Supported Rows 3x12 (35lbs-45lbs)

Lying Floor Crunch (legs bent 90 degrees) 3x50
–Side Crunches 3x25 each side

15x30s sprint, 30s jog @8-11 incline @ 10 mph

Notes: Typical workout nothin special.

Monday 4/27/09:

Taking the entire week from weights…Show is running starting from Wednesday.
Dress rehearsal is Tuesday, and then…

Guys please wish that I break a leg up on stage!! I am confident with all my abilities and I never fear of trying something new. I never shy away from challenges, I take them head on. You guys know my attitude by now, I’m fearless and am a winner and do what is need to be done to get the job done. If you don’t try anything new in life, you will never know what you like. Vince DelMonte said it best when he said to, “Push yourself out of comfort zone.” I love that quote.

Well, here’s to a great week!! I’m confident with the rest of my cast and know we will run a great show because it seems that way for the past four months!!

PS I forgot to mention that I am the Rabbi and the play is the Fiddler on the Roof!!!

Sweet. I’ve never been one for acting, but I always thought it was cool. Break a leg out there (and I don’t mean on the track :slight_smile: ).

And that’s the right attitude to have. Always press the boundaries. Both those of others and your own. I won’t lie, it will get you into trouble, but it’s more than worth it.

Haha, you’ve got that right. I’m not one to follow. I pave my own roads…I’m considered brave and a radical but I do what I gotta do :cool:. I like bringing out the best from the people around me. It’s something I learned through my first love of basketball and carried out what I learned to the real world.

I’m still going to do conditioning workouts. Pushups and abwork are going to be done on a daily basis as well as pullups/chins. And since my phys ed class is volleyball, I’ll definitely be in shape until next Monday. :slight_smile:

Wednesday 4/29/09:
First day of the show…WENT FLAWLESSLY!!
The cast and I did our parts, the transitions and every little thing was right on the dot. We have to stay on this level for the next three nights and I know the cast and I can do it!

What can I say for my first night of production? Well, apparently it was my first play but that feeling of performing feels exhilarating…just like anything else. I’m used to that whole rush that I get, it feels amazing. Be a football game, getting ready at the start line, basketball game or a play, that adrenaline rush is always a beautiful feeling.

Thursday 4/30/09:
Night two of the production. Went as good or even better as last night’s. Another standing ovation!!

Friday’s the big night. That’s when all the friends will come to see me and my friends up stage. Full houses for the next two nights definitely.

Friday 5/1/09:

Night three…Friday night. FULL HOUSE!!

Wow…tonight was our best performance yet!! Now I know what entertainers mean when they speak about feeding off the audience’s energy!! The full house and their energy allowed me to exert so much more energy!! The cast rocked the stage tonight!!

And tomorrow will be our last night =(. As a senior, I will be very sad and emotional…Giving it all I got. Last night on that stage…only play I ever was in…damn…Im not even gonna start.

Saturday 5/2/09:
Last night of production…4th consecutive night of standing ovations.

I have never worked with a group of guys that was so dedicated and committed to not only putting on a show, but getting better day by day and to make it incredible. We got better every night and fed off the audience. This crew was the most professional crew I have ever worked with. Once we were in rehearsals, we checked our egos out the door and threw out all the beef and started working toward our of putting on the greatest show our school has ever seen. It was an honor working with this group of guys and it is so hard to let go.

I cried for the first time in FIVE years backstage with the rest of the seniors while our teacher/director/best friend was there with his arms around all of us. I couldn’t hold my tears back, they just kept on coming. He reminded us that even though this would be our last time on that stage, we have bigger things ahead of us and we should be proud of ourselves for being such great leaders and keeping the entire cast in check.

Four years man…four years…flew by so quickly…I remember stepping into his class in freshman year as a shy kid who didn’t know who I am or what I wanted it to be. He’s the reason I am who I am today. I have never felt more accepted ever in a group like this. When I graduate, I’m going to graduate with my head up as a theatre kid, not a track kid.

Difference with the two: A more committed coach…one who busts his butt out and puts his reputation on the line to put the best product on stage. The other is just sitting his fat ass on a chair making an extra $15k telling the kids to run 25 mins and then leave him alone as well as taking a vacation during the most important meets of the season due to the fact it’s spring break.

Well, this page I wrote has been long enough. I should stop. I’ll just leave with saying two things: it was an honor working with such a great group of friends. Also, now that it is all over, I’m going to continue training again and get back in shape for the last meet of the season.

Monday 5/4/09:
Javorek’s Barbell Complex #1
Upright Row x6
High Pull Snatch x6
Back Squat & Push Press x6
Good Morning x6
Bent Over Row x6
x4 @ 65 lbs (weakest lift is the upright row that’s what kept my lift at such a low number)

Incline Leg Raises 3x20
–Decline Crunches 3x20

4x60s sprint, 60s jog @8 incline and @9mph

Notes: Well, the complexes literally burn…felt good. Took about 15 minutes to complete 4 sets. In and out the gym. Not bad.

Wednesday 5/6/09:
BB Complex
Row x3
Clean x3
Military Press x3
Front Squat x3
Back Squat x3
Good Morning x3
(added 10 lbs each set…final set was 95 lbs)

Hanging Leg Raises 4x8

8x60s sprint, 60s jog

Stability Ball Crunch 3x15
–Stability Ball Jackknife 3x8,12,12

Notes: Military Press put down my lift #s. Gotta work on my press strength. First time doing the cleans for an actual workout. Felt really good with it. Same with front squats.

Friday 5/8/09:
Finally a sunny day.

Save the weights for tomorrow.

Notes: Felt more explosive on the starts. 80s felt good. Not really an intense workout but will do for now. Championships is Thursday. Might as well go…my last race after all.

Sunday 5/10/09:
2 hours of football.

Monday 5/11/09:

Barbell Complex:
Front Squat
Military Press
Back Squat
Good Morning

4x3 reps (max 95)

Ab Circuit:
Plank 45 seconds
Side Plank 30 seconds each side
SB Jackknife x15

Notes: The Military Press is my weakest lift in the complex as I’ve said before. That’s the hardest part of the complex and that’s the main reason why my max is 95 for now.

Tuesday 5/12/09:
Internship interview with CA, Inc.

Interview went well. Took about an hour. Talked with three different departments of the company: marketing, info tech, and human resources.

Felt strong at the interview and made sure I was being assertive. Made sure I maintained a level of professionalism as well as being speaking casually. Also made sure I didn’t talk too much about myself and be full of myself haha.

Overall, I’d say I did rather well.

Tuesday 5/12/09:
Summer internship interview at CA, Inc.

Wednesday 5/13/09:
Arista National Honors Society Ceremony. I finally got my plaque for being a member for three years and maintaining a high GPA =). Overall average of 91 thru my four years in HS. Just comes to show things are almost coming to an end. Prom is only 3 weeks away. Graduating in a month and a half…damn

And tomorrow, is my last track meet. I’m going to look into joining a club team for the summer. My teammates and friends from other schools know a few so I’ll see how things go.

Thursday 5/14/09:
Queens Borough Championships
Bayside High School Track
100m: 12.7 (PR)
200m: 28.2 (right hamstring got tight after I turned the curve)

Notes: It was overcast and drizzled every here and there with a strong tailwind for the 100 and 200. I wasn’t surprised to hit 12.7 with the tailwind as it helped my drive phase.

After the 100, my right hamstring got really tight and I stretched it as much as I could and stayed loose on the football field doing some starts/speedwork and such. Being the hardheaded kid I am, I still ran the 200 and all was well until turning the curve. The hammy got tight and I sprinted as hard as I could until 150, and then strided the last 50 to get a 28.2. I didn’t give in and kept going. All I know for now that this is my last track meet as a high school kid and I made sure I left everything in my tank out there.

Well. Where can I start? I’m glad this season’s over. Last track meet wearing the Bryant High School Blue. As a senior, went all out and held nothing back. Leaving the rest of the work to the young ones that follow me and my other fellow seniors. Our job here is done. On to bigger things in life and most definitely college track.

Monday 5/18/09:
School trip to Philadelphia (3 hour ride) to Mutter Museum and the Franklin Institute Museum. Both museums were pretty neat!!! And since I was in Philly, I had to get their signature cheese steaks!!! God it was delicious. I only had half of the sandwich, I gave the other sandwich to my buddy since she was starving.

Anyway, I have officially began DeFranco’s WS4SB program.

Today’s workout:
Incline Bench Press 6x5 (95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145)
DB Floor Press 3x15 (20sx15, 35sx15, 40sx15)

DB Row 3x12 (20sx12, 30sx2x12)
–Seated DB Rear Delt Flyes 3x12 (20sx2x12, 15x12)

Incline DB Curls (10sx1x6, 15sx2x10,12)

Notes: I know it is only my first day but I like the freedom I have in this program!! It feels so good working up to a 3-5RM instead of doing it as a set plan of 4x6, 5x5 or whatever. I love the floor press. It still needs getting used to but I already like it!! Im craving to go back to Philly and have another cheese steak!!!

Tuesday 5/19/09:
Missed lower body workout because my friend hung out with me longer than I expected.
We walked to the airport and back which is approximately a round trip of 6.5 miles.

Wednesday 5/20/09:
2 hours of basketball…
First time playing real competitive basketball.
My shot was off. I’m not even going to talk about how bad I was offensively.
Defensively, my footwork and lateral quickness has improved ten fold. My defense hasn’t left me and doing plyometrics and similar drills are showing to pay off.

Thursday 5/21/09:
Chinups 4x12,8,6,5

Wide grip lat pulldowns 4x12,10,10,8
–superset w/ Face pulls 4x12

DB Military Press 3x10,10,8 (20s, 25s, 30s)

DB Shrugs 3x10 (40s,2x50s)
–superset w/ DB Curls 3x10

Wrist roller 3x3 (10 second holds)

8x60s sprint, 60s jog @8.5-9mph and @7.0 incline

Notes: I mindlessly forgot to look down at the workout plan and supersetted my shrugs with curls. I wanted to do triceps extensions instead…Can’t complain. Workout is over.