Good workout today
Upped the distance on the sleds to 25m
3x4x25m with 26 lbs sled
In the gym:
5x5 cleans
3x5 back extensions
My track workouts have been amazing and as a result all of my weight workouts blow. Especially the cleans. After the cleans I’m completely wiped. Because cleans and sleds are probably the two closest stimulus on the force velocity curve I think I’m going to switch cleans to my speed days instead. Well see how it goes.
As far as the weights go, I think its good that I’ve been either doing half of the planned loads or dropping certain exercises. I think this indicates that the track workouts have been doing their jobs. My weights coach said that he doesnt care if I don’t finish my gym workouts because im so wiped from the track because I’m fresh every speed day and wiped by the end of it, so no worries.
A few videos of sled pulling, on rep 11 and 12 so im a little tired.