I had these occuring in my left arm and a few times in my left quad over a period of three days, I havn’t had any today. If I get a muscle spasm,should I just stretch more? Should I still do speed if I’m having muscle spasms? I’m going to be taking stretching more seriously from now on especially in the upper body.
How do you mean spasm? Cramps or twitching? Are you drinking enough water? Using any new supplements? Not getting enough sleep? Your workout volume too high? Too much calcium in your diet? Too little Magnesium?
The muscle twitches, I get alot of sleep, alot of liquids, I don’t know if I get enough magnesium I don’t supplement it, also I do eat alot of dairy products, but I don’t think it’s exccesive. My speed volume isn’t to high but I’m coming back from somewhat of a layoff off of speedwork, took a four day vaction and was doing speed only like once a week for a period of about 6 weeks.Though I still was exercising at least 5 days a week doing tempo and Brazillian Ju-Jitsu.
Despite doing speed day,tempo day,and two days off I just had a muscle twitch/spasm right now in my left arm and quad. I feel fine even though I’m having these muscle twitches/spasm can I still do speed today?
Take a rest. It sounds like you are just getting back into things. Don’t over do it. Contrast showers???
Your body may just be getting used to stuff again. Don’t rush.
Thanks Herb, I just asked my Dad about my muscle twitches and he said he gets them too sometimes and that their called fasciculations, he said I could work out with them. I don’t know yet if I’m going to work out but do you know anything about fasciculations?
here is a link http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003296.htm
Damm I just had some more on my right hamstring muscle and left arm.Damm