Mo's new start

A few things I noticed about Mo’s starting form at the trials.

  1. It looks like his blocks are farther from the line than in the past
  2. His hips rise only about 3/4 of the height as before when he’s in the set position.
  3. His rear block leg is far more bent when it passes through as he drives out of the blocks.
  4. Overall it looks like he’s tryng to quicken the first stp by shortening his limb levers (both arms and legs display more action around the elbow and knee.
  5. Mo almost seems to be rushing his second step before getting back into his usual form for step three and on.
  6. By the end of the race, he took about 47.3 strides–almost two more than he used to.

Charlie, what’s the goal with this?

But I guess there’s not much to criticize, since was still out of the blocks first or second and kicked ass from there.

If John has modified Mo’s start, it would only be to protect a tendon problem. If that’s the case, it’s obviously working. The rushed second step would be to compensate for his CG being farther ahead. (I havn’t seen any films on this, so I have to take your word for it.

I assume the shorter, quicker steps would reduce stress on the tendon. Could this approach be applied to protect the hamstrings for people with problems in that area?

Yes, usually. Also, there has been some discussion that Mo actually ran slower than others after the gun and won on the reaction. This is a bit misleading, because his superior strength and start position let him deliver more ultimate force, and, because he is delivering more force, he achieves the threshold for tripping the block sensor sooner, even with the same R/T.

I didn’t notice that as far as his start… Good call…
I did notice the extra strides, Francis made a good point regarding the protection I would have thought of that.

Speaking of Maurice, what do you guys think Maurice has nobody else has.
I know Francis mention something about his strength.

This man is doin something the others aren’t, it’s amazing.

He’s POWER is MAXED out!
I wish I could see some POWER # for his stats.

What do you guys think?

Kenny Mac~~~~~~~

Thank you for breaking down Greene’s start, sprinterl. I watched his start on my TiVo probably 20 times, and I couldn’t figure out what Maurice Greene was doing different. It was obvious something had changed, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. So thank you for ending my stress :).

And thank you Charlie for the “reasons” behind the changes of Maurice Greene’s start.

I’m certain that John would never change Mo’s start unless he had a very good reason.

Having recently watched Mo running in Paris the other night, I couldn’t help but notice that he doesn’t place his feet on the ‘middle’ of the pads but rather on the inner part (right next to the blocks frame). Is there any particular reason for this? Would this cause him to come out straighter? I like many on here have always placed my feet bang in the middle of the block pads.