More Clyde Hart Training

Now, for me too :o

when you do a workout of 2x450m, 2x200m and 4x40, as clyde hart suggests, it sayd to give a 15 minute break between the 450s. how much of a break do you give the athletes after the 450s are completed before you run the 200s? how much rest from the 200s to the 40s? thanks, tweed

Tweed: the rest between the training elements depends on the speed and the goal. Since many of those late 200’s are slow - more like easy run throughts, you don’t need to wait another 15 min. Depends on when the athlete is feeling fresh enough to do them. I use around 5 min after short speed work before I am fresh to do the last 1-2 200’s run throughs. Works fine for me. After 2x450 you would feel more worn out, and may need more. Seems the 200’s are added in the program just as some easy technical floating&rythm stuff to round off the workouts. The 2x450 are the main focs, the rest is just extra - if I’ve read other Hart & MJ stuff right, saying the main part of the work outs usually are over in just 20 min!! (excluding warm up and cool down, and these I guess extra light 200s) Cheers