MJ WR Splits

Recently MJ’s WR splits were posted over at Sub-10 by Conway. They demonstrate that speed endurance is the key to the 200m.

Here are the splits:

19.66 - 10.17/9.49 (5.82/4.35/4.60/4.89)
19.32 - 10.14/9.18 (5.79/4.35/4.48/4.70)

What factors contribute to the development of and progression of such speed endurance - with in the space of a month?

Change per 50

1st 50 -0.03

His acceleration and maybe his top speed marginally improved.

2nd 50 -0

His speed endurance did not change.

3rd 50 -0.12

His special endurance increased significantly.

4th 50 -0.19

His special endurance increased significantly, especially in this last 50.

I would guess that a big factor was the situation (i.e. home Olympics) and the buzz it would have caused. Under such circumstances the pain would be a little less and the determination to push through the line much greater.

what if we looked not at the change in apparent sp. end. from semi’s to finals, but at the diff. between each 50, THEN at the heats… so…
semi- 1.47- .25 - .29
final - 1.44- .13 - . 22
So, what all this means, is that he got out faster thru 50, maintained that faster speed thru off the turn, and maintained that faster speed thru the last 50 and on to the finish… what does THAT mean… well, run faster in the beginning (finite energy envelop a la Charlie Francis) and with MJ’s obvious incredible amount of speed end. he could extend his envelop all the way thru the 200m. Fantastic run, makes me get up and want to start running!!!

The splits for 19.66 seems al lil bit generous for me.
I agree with 10.14 and 19.32, but i have 10.35 and 19.70w, and 10.30 and 19.66.

There is a big difference, i don’t know why.

I posted my Video Analysis Splits for 200m races on the Run-Down Forums a while ago. And my figures were quite a bit away compared to yours PJ.
I now agree that my figures of 10.17s and 9.49s were a bit out.
I upated my Splits from my Tape.And found new, more accurate Splits.
Speed of Tape:50Hz
Wind:+1.7m/s RT:0.183s(Official Swatch Timing result: 19.658s)
100m Splits:
10.27s/9.39s =19.66s(WR)

Compared to my old figures of:
100m Splits:

Sorry about those figures.

X King