Misnamed Sprinter's Training Log

Where is your upper body in relation to the powerline, sounds like it may be too far forward.

I will post a few still frames of set positions, block extension, etc when I get home.

Here are some stills from practice footage… first one is typical of what I’ve been seeing… second one is probably the best block start I’ve got on film, and third one is a 3pt start where I was happy with every step of the way…

excuse the lines I didn’t feel like taking them out

run a line from the ball of your foot to the top of your neck. either your upper body is too far farward or your hips too far back.

fixed… html code and flickr weren’t getting along

i have to have 10 to send

Weds A
WU Green
2x(35m fly, fef, 35m fly) 15m run-in, 252025 fef

Weds B: 9 contacts
power clean 3x2 245
w/ hurdle x3 (first one off low box)

Next sped day will be Saturday since I don’t have facilities tomorrow or friday.

have some free time on my hands so I’ve been messing around with analyzing video… Here’s a poor quality 3pt start but I think you can still see what’s goin on

normal speed


30m with a goofy first step

3x GS Circuit
4750x turkey chomp
6000x mashed potato between jaw throw
7x apple pie lifts to face
superset w/ ice cream scoop x8
1x regret and shame

Sat will probably be resisted accel work with 10 pounds of weight in my stomach

I somehow escaped Thanksgiving week -.2 lbs.

Sat A: 230m
WU Green
2x55m 2x60m from blocks w/ full recovery

Pretty dynamite session… my starts really came along today… adjusted my set position with pretty good results.

Also got a sweet black friday deal on a HD flip cam… So I can post footage now that isn’t too CNS intensive for you guys to view.

frame-by-frames of various starts from this mornings session:

Some real speed runs…

to me the heel height is too low. I can only access the last video

should have access to all of em now.

Sat B: weights/12 throws
squat 3x3 385
sets 1,3: Vsq,BLV x3
fast eccentric RDL 3x4 185
sets 1,3: FSq,OHb x3

2xcore circuit

head a bit exaggerated up a touch and poke your chest out (like a school bully), step 4 heel a bit low, step 5 you turn your toes hard to the right

Any 30m time trails?? How much you think your squat and clean numbers are?

I’ve had one via frame count on 30fps video… pretty decent time
As for the lifts… I’m not sure if I’ll be pushing them again. 395x4 for squat and 275x3 for pc are the highest I’ve gone and both of them went up pretty easily. Next block I might push squats but olympic lifts will probably take a backseat from here on out.

Nice, what’s your bw? I hope to start back training today, gonna be using our new timing system and dartfish software.

Since I’ve started the heavy sprinting I’ve gone down to about 188 while killin food. hope the training goes well and the body holds up for you this year.