i like the idea of these training journals. anyone here is the basic info: i’m 15, PB’s of 11.78, 24.20, 53.84, and 19’6". my coach recently spent a week adjusting my technique, working on running taller, and not settling my hips. i have yet to run a meet since then, but i am noticeably faster on video, and have run consistant 24.3-24.4 in practice. k to start the actual journal part:
Monday June 2:
8x60m buildups, completely working on technique
Tuesday June 3:
4x120m, again, techinque
Wednesday June 4:
4x200m, 75% curve, 95% straight
Thursday June 5:
2x400m Farklets, 65% curve, 85% straight
Friday June 6: 6 and 8 step long jumps, off box and runway
Weekend: Rest
Monday June 9: Long Jumps, 6 steps off box, 8, 10, and 12 step off runway, consistantly jumping high 18s, one high 19’5"
Tuesday June 10: 2x200, target time was 26, i ran so relaxed that i accidently ran a 24.7 and 25.1. my calf was bugging me (i strained it three weeks earlier) so i cut the workout short, was going to run 4.
I have had to work during all times the weight room has been open so far, I will start lifting again as soon as i can.